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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Holy fuck there are so many retards on the sharty
>mfw I log on and see stupid threads



/soy/ has kind of always sucked


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>New soyspeak, this is a mix of all >soysphere we doing this cuz troons >stole gem and coal
>Cutie = gem
>Coal = zellig
>Carrot = Gemerald
>Chud = chad
>Ruby = apple


yeah Sharty is coal as fuck nowadays, jannys are useless and frogspam, trannybaitspam, penis color wars is all there left. Its over.



any "nuspeak" is twitter immigrant brimstone


I 'an 'peak in the 'riginal 'oyspeak

try to translate this Newsgods


File: 1712209197656.jpg (33.53 KB, 250x392, root.jpg)

Froot is a fucking dumbass and everyone knows it. The only person I see that can change the sharty for the better is Root, Because it can't possible get any worse.


>Root clitty leaks over his transcore earthbound inspired game dev getting 'oxed
>Sharty goes down shortly after
Yeah that place is fucked beyond repair.


marge, clue me in

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