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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1711957787695.png (219.41 KB, 716x655, tcoaal.png)


Since TCOAAL is Zarty culture, then now we'll post about them.
Do you had incest before?


you ever actually tie and hang that noose and have a moment of contemplation standing before it?


File: 1711961369690.png (441.14 KB, 579x702, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1711961771843.jpeg (99.8 KB, 967x1500, IMG_6264.jpeg)


File: 1711973088684-0.png (Spoiler Image, 710.02 KB, 792x538, F9z6FDCbgAAmFTi.png)

File: 1711973088684-1.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 554.84 KB, 3120x2760, F-rKnvpaMAAR1VG.jpeg)

I love tcoaal!!! They are real zarty culture! Wincest!


kys ESL tcoal incest nigger


File: 1711974099870.jpg (40.6 KB, 720x720, oar2.jpg)

Gated. Ashley is total transition goals.SISA


this thing didn't try hard enough.


File: 1711976240204.png (221.04 KB, 640x337, tumblr_9639b9252879b222f2b….png)

Post more TCOAAL guys.


zoot please kill these niggers


File: 1711978779877.png (77.29 KB, 469x385, 1702812764322.png)

TCOAAL is literally a COAL


what the fuck? You need to take your normal pills, and not the ones they sell at the jewpothecaries.


incest is hot but i hate this shitty game and people who spam it
zoot ban this nigger now


Biggest coal in zarty history


how do i sage again?


File: 1712172404508.png (3.8 KB, 267x102, billede_2024-04-03_2126419….png)

simply fill in the email field with sage


too much work


you can click on the numbers on the post which immediately creates the reply function.


this anon is talking about sage, maybe you're confused with the R_TERRA thread


go down nigga


>sages thread
>go down nigga
the state of newfags


go down nigga


the purpose of saging isnt to go down im just saying go down


oh yea, i am. sorry im a mod and the recent posts tab fucked it up, ignore my retardedness


It's retardation you retard

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