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IAS and sharty culture
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Just saw a soyjak.party banner with 'cado bumhole, it's truly over for the sharty. Maybe I don't want see a other man asshole, cado coinslot is brimstone that destroying the sharty.


i remember when i saw it getting submitted in the banner contest and i thought to myself that no way its gonna go through


It doesn't make much difference honestly, given the current state of the sharty.


splinters are the last bastion of 'ems


'cado has been there for so many years


>>3887 yea that is true, but not at this extent I saw 15 image in a single day and in one board. I don't understand the Jannies at the sharty, they ban porn but keep photos of a lolcow asshole. hopefully Root would be the admin to switch the sharty around.

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