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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1710790609168.png (977.17 KB, 800x502, oekaki.png)


>shemmy down
>banned from 'cuck and farty
>even if i wasnt banned from farty i wouldnt want to use it
can i stay here for a bit ongezelliGODs


Enjoy your stay


File: 1710790878982.png (975.35 KB, 875x1200, ClipboardImage.png)

i already watched 'zellig but it was shit, like a poor mans watamote
I would sex mymy though


>>even if i wasnt banned from farty i wouldnt want to use it


We'll you're allowed to have that opinion.


File: 1710791116140.png (218.6 KB, 408x527, ClipboardImage.png)

I didn't even know watamote existed until this year


File: 1710791131984.gif (42.21 KB, 223x255, seething_jump.gif)

>We'll you're allowed to have that opinion.


File: 1710791196048.gif (307.11 KB, 600x974, james(((YOU)))niverse.gif)

>>We'll you're allowed to have that opinion.


File: 1710791296697.gif (7.73 MB, 2000x2000, GEEEEG.gif)

>failed immediately
the STATE of zelligtroons


meds now frogkike.


File: 1710792525474.png (280.61 KB, 888x1274, IMG_3488.png)

>We'll you're allowed to have that opinion.


Use the swimmy




Mymy's the only reason we've stuck around.


Trvke doe


>>3732 kill yourself

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