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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Just take a look
>twitter immigrants
>coal threads
might as well go back to 4cuck or even move to soygem


The sharty has fallen..


wtf happened to the sharty bro




theres no way froot isnt a troon thats killing the sharty on purpose because its der chud IB


ermmmmmm sweetie, DOLL is the admin now


The damage has already been done. Also Doll is not a good admin for the site.


This is unironcally, the coal that will destroy the Sharty But Treatment is Jesus ♦ Admin Thrembo ♦ KILLING ALL CORDNIGGERS ♦ Reporting bait and awful threads ♦ Organizing raids ♦ Bumping good threads ♦ Doxxing trannies ♦ Implementing a CP filtering system ♦ systemctl stop nginx ♦ Not taking your meds ♦ and most importantly… Original Content


doll isn't really bad but he's too naive and approves of most suggestions


i dont want that to happend here…


The Soypocalypse and its consequences


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>>3669 i know why this is happening.. this is tiktok's fault..

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