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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1709473594065.png (77.88 KB, 462x734, thugshaker2.png)


So uh I got banned from the sharty because Doll is an obese foodist tranny and I got banned from the shemmy because they think I'm a pedo (I'm not) so now I just have this and the jarty


enjoy your stay then






Can you tell us why this happened for those who don't keep up with the latest drama™


See the comment section, massive gem of a video btw


Holy dilation, doll was just looking for any excuse to get rid of you
but what about the shemmy stuff? how are you a pedo? you're 14/15 right


File: 1709495570704.png (277.56 KB, 701x515, 1708986022495.png)

Foodists are attentionwhore namefags who live off attention, the more u mention them you just fuel their motivation to spread more 'p or whatever

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