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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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hello from the sharty again. sharty just banned doxxing site wide. what are your thoughts, zeens?


Good honestly, doxing culture on the sharty has become severely out of control.
It’s brought nothing but the toxic culture it has today
Doxing isn’t bad in my opinion, but it was a good move to ban it regardless.


i honestly thought 90% of the doxxing was deserved. sometimes they would dox a literal who but other times it would be an actual pedo or someone like nuxtaku who just grooms kids with epi.


Of course but we all know that shit would only escalate if it wasn’t banned
The pedos and trannies deserved it, but when they started doxing Froot or any other person for simply the reason of them not liking them, then we’re starting to move towards a toxic hellhole.


The feds got to them, that's for sure


yeah thats fair. its probably a good thing anyway since the party probably would have gotten shut down if they didnt delete /raid/. we've been pushing our luck for years with that board and its amazing the sharty is still around.


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its too fucking late for that. the entire culture has been revolving around it for the greater part of half a year, weve lost years of archives on archive.org for that, snarky snappy is known as a doxxing and raiding site instead of a soyjak site for the history books. I don't know what the cure to all this was, but this isn't it. it's not going to fix anything. in fact I don't think anything can


It was over once turkey tom made a video about the sharty and brought his army of xitter inmigrants to the site.
Ill always stand for raids albeit, they are far gemmier than doxxing.


only the raiding of imageboards was ever sharty culture

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