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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1708780349216.png (13.65 KB, 747x247, gfgfg.png)


what the fuck is this email and why


can you provide more information?
Those numbers seem to be coordinates, there is nothing else i can figure out.
And what "email" are you talking about?


they sent it to the email i use here (also i used it for kinitopet for the lols)
googling their name brings up nothing


Meds, also those are some random ass coordinates


You've seen to have been given 5 coordinates
1st one is 48°49'32.0"N 2°26'23.5"E, a park in the middle of paris.
2nd one is 45°09'22.9"N 7°21'31.2"E, a road in italy near what seems to be a building.
3rd one is 17°47'38.7"S 25°15'48.9"E, the 4 point border between Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namabia.
4th one is 17°47'18.8"S 25°15'56.8"E, the exact same location as the 3rd, albeit a bit more north.
And 5th is 17°37'09.1"S 23°18'11.3"E, a school in south-eastern Angola.

That's all i could get for you, none of them seem to lead to anything at all.


This House Has People in It was an ARG by adult swim like 10 years ago


look at you, still checking my post history. shame on you. i can use a vpn for posting, is that what you want? i thought to myself "SURELY" the zellig mod will not be THAT much of a gypsy faggot to reveal my posting history to people. you gypsy power abuser…

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