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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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xissters …

dont bother trooning out

post troon mania insanity content
ill go first


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reminder (2nd image) the creator of the "amazing digital circus" is a (slightly more) loony troony with a "head drill" fetish


I never understood why people self harm, can someone sum it up for me?


stress reliever, u get to feel like ur actually effecting something, like ur solving something, like u can actually effect things in reality. also if u really hate urself its the only way that u can attack and hurt urself without actually doing things that will negatively effect ur experience / time in life, cause u probly value that way more then u value ur skin lookin pristine, u wanna hurt urself, u dont care if ur skins perfect, u wanna damage urslf


Well it differs a lot. There are 3 main reasons.
1. They actually hate themselves and is testing themselves to be ready to commit suicide
2. They like the pain, in other words they’re masochists.
3. They want attention
There are a lot others but these are the most prevalent I can think of


This is correct, it's observed in animals kept in cages too. When you're feeling trapped/suffocated and powerless and the stress is the only thing you can think about, violent action (even to yourself) is a way to reassert control over something, like mind over matter. I don't think most self-harm is really masochism because in that mental state the pain isn't as noticeable as the relief.
What a faggot. I knew there was something severely offputting about that whole thing.


> stress reliever, u get to feel like ur actually effecting something, like ur solving something, like u can actually effect things in reality.

just punch holes in your walls like a normal person


>punch holz in le wall even doe its heckin uncomfortable
just use your pillow lel

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