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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Alright… since I saw Ongezellig was cancelled and I have nothinf more to live I'm gonna drop some facts about me that nobody cares:
1) my great grandmother was from the Vril society. (yes, I have things from her)
2) my grandfather (this time from my mother's side) was in a Fascist group here in my country.
3) I have TDAH.
4) I believe in the great replacement.
5) I deny so much history "facts"
6) I am in love with the goddess "Hel"
7) sometimes I go outside with a crowbar for no reason.
8) I'm making a stupid manifest
9) I was used to sit next to a Brit foreign boy in school and I fell in love with his sister.
Dieux… I need Ongezellig back…


put us in your manifesto so we can be immortalized in a police report.


Sure why not


>I have TDAH


>I'm making a stupid manifest
Are you gonna shoot up a mosque for ongezellig or something??


You're a mentally ill 16 year old that spends too much time on image boards, get a life loser


Can't wait for this site to be on the news
get better rage bait


Not ragebait.
OP, youre a mentally ill loner loser that needs to go to a mental facility for being a retarded spic. Get off my image board.


If not rage bait then why are you so mad?
You're pretty obviously just trying to get a reaction out of him.
Begone, troll.


Nice try OP.
Dude, you're a loser. Get off my image board.


I'm not even OP, and you spend your entire day trying to make people mad, you're the loser.


>malding over ragging on people on an imageboard.

Loser loser loser


don't even @ me before i've had my 'fee, get blocked troll.


archiving this in case something like a shooting happens


New schizorald just dropped
Put soyzellig.party in your manifesto and namedrop us when you're sent to the slammer or chair


Remember to stream it too


And post the location 3 days prior btw



you will never be gods soldier


delete this thread before it gets out of hand, zoot


all publicly is good publicly, i guess.


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have fun at the mosque, Labuin


dont encourage this guy this shit is fucked up


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nigga what


>Except my PRIVACY on the flippin' internet!!!


Drop the manifesto


If you’re gonna record it, you need to mention ‘zellig by name, or at least reference it somehow, any publicity is good publicity, even doe it will probably cause MASSA to distance himself from ‘zellig


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>>3325 thats based or something




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any updates labuin


a mass shooting occuring because the dutch youtube animation gem would be funny as fuck i cant lie


it has been 20 days with no updates i think he just ropemaxxed instead


OP update us we need to know when you are going to "Zaryans RISE UP" in a Walmart

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