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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1707689832994.jpg (35.33 KB, 561x554, twinkjak_trump.JPG)


Trump twinkjak


File: 1707689859906.jpg (103.18 KB, 769x1012, aryan_twinkjak.JPG)

Aryan twinkjak




File: 1707707575026.png (328.5 KB, 642x890, gayfanart.PNG)

This u?


aww that’s the cutest cutie I’ve seen in a while




File: 1707713505799.png (39.08 KB, 768x719, 1707576278437.png)


File: 1707730784860.png (56.63 KB, 179x129, blows up city cutely.PNG)


shut up your just mad that you don’t look like a twinkjak


File: 1707778585990.jpg (213.09 KB, 1000x1000, 1685749021658.jpg)

>shut up your just mad that you don’t look like a twinkjak
Imagine if I drew the sharpest and most rusty knife through your heart enough times until you bleed out on the concrete, lifeless and unmourned


You’re not welcome here tranny


Join the 41%


Your trannies


File: 1707794830179.jpg (189.08 KB, 687x453, 1681270128699.jpg)


File: 1707864324379.png (121.74 KB, 849x849, boykisser and cobson.png)

literally seething at the very concept of cute boys


File: 1707865951348.jpg (267.12 KB, 1906x2048, GC1kN_-XQAAL8YW.jpg)


File: 1707865970958.png (148.71 KB, 1106x1012, ClipboardImage.png)

>literally seething at the very concept of cute boys


File: 1707868159565.jpg (42.13 KB, 550x550, 57282739.JPG)



Fuck off back to /co/ please, take your faggot shit with you.


File: 1707881268921.png (30.89 KB, 600x600, 1707822765955.png)


stfu you cute little bottom, you don’t have to get angry just ask me if you want kisses and cuddles


File: 1707883845789.jpg (73 KB, 680x668, Bottomlol.JPG)



File: 1707884180090.png (179.94 KB, 800x789, 7E6260F3-C79B-4F8F-AEBC-F0….png)


Two of those aren’t me tho


Cutie thread


File: 1708015012297.jpg (189.08 KB, 687x453, 1707911846950.jpg)


sharty thread 🤑



you literally just linked the ENTIRE thread lmfao


Frogcacas have a lot to explain

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