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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
(For file deletion.)

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>its really sad how shitty the zellig community has become here,you faggots ruined everything with your prudish doxxing campaigns and witch hunts against anybody drawing zellig porn. the porn was welcomed until you cringy ass discord zartyfaggots came in and started to police and harass everyone here. go back to your shithole you underage trannyobsessed faggots.


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>soyquoting /co/ons on the zarty to avoid getting jannied


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>and you fags are wondering why he turned his back to us internationals. we've actively taken something pure and compeltely fucking dragged it through the mud, going so far as to turn the first and only zellig game into a realistic fucking school shooting sim. iof course he doesn't understand why he doesn't want anything to do with us. morons.


true though?


trvked… we can come from this it’s not over


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>not making school shooting games will… bring back 'zellig


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>making school shooting games will… bring back 'zellig




yes it will be brought back, but in a bad light


you are all retards for coping and coping that new fans from instagram and wherever troon shithole will convince massa to kickstart deel 7. we already did the new York advertising. all for nothing.




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What's that nigger smoking? If the sharty wasn't able to get its domain name dropped, what makes you think this will?


an 8 second new york meme ad isn’t going to work, but it at least should have gotten massa’s attention. Ongezellig simply needs to be more popular.


That guy is right and zoot will get in big trouble if someone reports it.




Zoot, if youre reading this, id reaally consider shutting the game down here and on newgrounds if I were youm


>sharty can host gore and DNB no problem but DAA VVVVVVVV will get us dropped or whatever


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Add a disclaimer before the game "all children involved in the school shooting are 18 years old or older"


make up your mind, you can kill them because theyre over 18 but you cant sexualize them because theyre under 18?


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GoDaddy does not care about some random dutch cartoon imageboard with a sunwheel on its homepage. The only ones who care are the obsessed CP enjoyers on /co/.

If something happens, there are always other host providers.

Also for the ones who are REALLY pissing their pants because of a /co/omer, I have always intended to have /v/ only as a temporary event. Maybe I shall provide a download link, besides the newgrounds alternative.

For real, everyone spams nigger and acts like a man until a stranger on the net spams how "some words/jokes le bad and you will be LE HECKIN PUNISHED, GOY!". It's a nothingburger. Don't waste your time with (((them))).


Good idea making it a temporary event, you shouls really take it down truth be told.
<plebbit space
I dont appreciate your morality of porn is worse than school shooting game.


trvke, goyim just be gullible like that
Enormous faggot that needs to get a grip (not on his dick while looking at zellig smut, preferably)


>I dont appreciate your morality of porn is worse than school shooting game.
can you rephrase this? i did not understand.


I think its quite funny how you find porn of the characters repulsive but see no issue with a game about mercilessly murdering them. Talk about a cloudy morality.


Tsmt. i dont goon and i hated killing them, its abuse either way


It's high art compared to indulgence in cardinal pleasures, not that a retarded sandnigger of your ilk would understand


Take them meds zoot


Never goon. Never hurt zellig xisters.


not him albeit


There are no laws against School shooting games, the government can't act on either since it falls under the freedom of speech and expression.
The only one that would be able to take this down (excluding zoot) is GoDaddy, which I doubt wants to.
Please don't believe anything you see on the internet, and certainly stop spreading misinformation like this.


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I don’t know if they are a porn poster or gooner. They could be simply comparing the act of making porn of ongezellig similar to making gore of it, including school shooting games. Personally I don’t think drawn edge is as bad as porn, but i guess i get why they are arguing for it.
Stay le calm


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Ive never advocated for porn, your ESL manners are showing again, Zoot. I simply compared how funny your morality is, or rather lack of consistency in it.


I love how you see someone not ace your retarded language like its their english exam and immediately conclude that it's zoot.


There's no lack of consistency, you're just being low IQ.
It isn't the mere depiction of evil that's immoral, that would condemn all fiction as immoral, it's pornography that is uniquely immoral in the fact that it's satisfying lust, a deadly sin. In that way it stands alone.
Pornography is wrong whether or not it is of fictional character, and whether or not those fictional characters are underage. But fiction and depiction of evil isn't immoral in itself. If you take the premise that depicting murder of children is bad because they're innocent, what about the depiction of murder involving innocent adults? It would logically follow that depiction of any evil is itself evil which is obviously not the case


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That's not me. Only now am I seeing the new posts.


>Terrorists in CS wants to be terrorists IRL
See your point is that because we make a game about a joke surrounding a gag in the show and you go batshit crazy over it.
It wouldn't make sense to make a school shooting game about another slice of life which doesn't contain such jokes.

The game isn't even realistic, either, you go around with a nerf gun which never has to reload, your fastest way of transportation is sliding up and down.

You think anyone endorses this?? School shootings?? If you think so you've seriously misjudged us.

The difference between porn and school shootings are also very different, porn is much closer to your everyday life than mass shootings. It'd make much more sense to despise it when it actively poses a threat to many peoples mental health.
School shootings happen so rarely, its just the media which loves to record every tragedy. Should we condemn war games for the same reason?? innocent people die in those, too.


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I’m not zoot lmao. I was defending Zaryan No.2917.
I get the comparison to the schoolocaust game and porn. I don’t think it’s healthy for Ongezellig’s image but I don’t think it really matters. However, putting my love for ‘zellig aside, the game and porn of the characters is not the same.
Said it well here.


Alright, i have read the new posts.

Listen, the game was not meant to be taken seriously. The whole situation that takes place in the game is comedically absurd for a reason.
It is not meant to promote any violent ideas or actions of actually going to a school and shooting people (just as most games that contain violance werent made to promote wrath). If this wasn't clear when playing the game, then it should be now.

I do not allow porn here. Porn is degenerate form of art, simply made to exploit sexual pleasure and to prevert. I do allow some forms of sexual media (for example sexual jokes) and depending on the circumstances they will be either spoilered, censord or deleted. Same thing with gore (i do not allow hardcore gore and mild gore is, again, spoilered/censord/deleted or left alone depending on the situation; the game contains very simple fleshwounds, with the most exagurated damage being Yfke's missing head). The demographic of the site is young adults, not children. A child has no place here.

If you do get violent urges to go and shoot your schoolmates or sadistic pleasure after playing the game for some reason (which i guess would be the equvilant of getting aroused by a woman in a hijab or in other words getting very easily tempted) then I would recommend taking some rest from the internet.


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Soyquoting on the 'cuck is always way funnier than doing it on the sharty, too bad whoever did this will probably get banned


Its gem ignore the faggots that cant stand a bit of edge


that is so mental lmaooo
>racist bigoted pieces of shit
that post is proof that the cuck got overtaken by bored redditors


both these posts just got deleted


Zoot trvth nuke

Thanks for archiving this lost media




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I'm 14 so when I jerk off to them they're actually raping me


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Get out.


nobody looks like this or says this


You're 14??
I can't stop you, but I really don't recommend being on chans this early in your life, sites like these are made for late teens to early adults.
Please, stick to watching your favorite youtuber or go out and play some football with your boys.


future troonjak gooner in training


Zoot, boot this retard for his own good


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>I'm 14 so when I jerk off to them they're actually raping me




we dont know if its bait or not


the attached gif makes me think its genuine


bro thinks browsing 4cuck makes him cool cause its for “bad people” the only thing 4cuck is good for is making future pedophiles bro is gonna end up in the next turkey tom video.


am going to pray to oswald mosley




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>Zaryans literally "gatekeep" a fucking tranime
>"if we didn't ban porn, it would've been all good!"

Zaryans can't bitch about Zellig not being popular enough when they literally went out of their way to gatekeep it like crazy so only the edgiest internet memelords could get into it. Massa probably struggles to pitch this show because of it and it has to frustrate him a bit since Zellig looks like a passion project. Zellig isn't that edgy by itself. I wouldn't be surprised if the show had a serious chance at getting greenlit until the fanbase was noticed. On the topic of porn, I think policing it outside of our domain (like this imageboard) was overkill. You just make an ass out of yourself when you dox someone. It would've been smarter to just call them pedophiles. If you can dox someone, you can spam/bot comments about how they're a pedophile and the best part is, you'd be right. So you aren't making a complete ass out of yourself. Even if they make the "16 is legal in the Netherlands" argument, it's still fucking creepy.


i am so tired of thinking in 4 dimensions about massa's decisions or impetus or chance of getting his show picked up or if he is being quiet about his true feelings or whatever. its already over, it doesnt matter anyway. i am just going to read and take everything at face value.
i will die on the hill of the pancookie doxx being a good decision. there was a huge trannypedo cabal under his command, and about spamming/botting comments, those words fall on deaf ears and require constant manpower and the use of a different platform. Every other porn artist attempting to be doxxed (especially apop, one of the oldest and my favorite artists of 'zellig) imo completely unjustified.
deep down, do you really want a cucked western studio to pick up ongezellig and butcher it into a dead husk of how good it is? think about it. all good things come to an end, but the worst of the world lives on forever


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Now that the *dust* is settled I can finally admit that English is my first language and I'm just retarded…


EFLs are the true ESLs


so trve sisa


>words words words
gatekeeping le good. nobody wants porn shit or some libtard troons. i have no idea why a lot of people say that "zellig would have been better if we didnt touch those groups". No, it woudnt. Some actions were a bit of an overkill, but still. Just calling them pedos rarely does anything.
Besides, this whole gatekeeping applies to the international community only. Massa mostly cared about his dutch fanbase. Gatekeeping or not, it would have not affected the outcome of the show. Simple as.


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I think we all know the real reason 4channers don’t like the game


>No bbc zellig sex?!?!? Black these heckin soyjakkers immediately!!


Kill all /co/fags


And some faggots wonder why we hate /co/ kek.
TCD but unironically


is that all they think of when they think of ongezellig or another cartoon? Gooning is one thing but this is just obsession.


>Zellig isn't that edgy by itself.
Yes it is. I'm not sure if you get how zogged western TV really is but having a literal racial supremacist character portrayed as cute and quirky and not clearly mocked or condemned is a big no-no. Pay attention to anything "edgy" that is allowed to air and you'll notice this is one line they never cross. Making light use of the term "holocaust" is also not allowed, as that's an MKUltra thunderstriking word that is ONLY for the jews to use as a get out of jail free card, such as when people accuse them of war crimes.


Trvthnvke with radioactive fallout so strong it made /co/ even more inhospitable than it already is (somehow)


da joos are literally the reason we dont have more 'zellig, its over


meds now. Mymy isn't even explicitly shown as a white supremacist. It can be refreshing to experiment with different kinds of characters that not everyone will sympathsize or agree with. An extreme example being caeser from fallout New Vegas who people can sympathsize with and team up with if they choose.(Don't troonquote me its a good game)
And Mymy is just played for laughs, it's supposed to be humourous, with Coco even saying "Wow that was very racist", which Mymy replies "Belgians aren't a race!".
While you may be right that there isn't another main character that is racist and supposed to be likable. (The only example I can think of is Eric Cartman but he's supposed to be the annoying fat kid.) It's just another reason why ongezellig is so revolutionary and loved
There are also way edgier shows on tv, the biggest examples being like south park and family guy that make jew jokes all the time. Just because Jews are the CURRENT THING doesn't mean they are free from mockery. Media creators are probably playing it safe and putting in safer or less jew jokes since they are the current lefty obsession, and thousands of angry teenagers would probably make a hashtag cancel whatever show after. So stop watching your shitty "duh wokes are ruining muh cartoons" youtube slop now before your brain leaks out of you ears.



This reminds me, I will try to summarize my thoughts as of recent.

I think we did play a partial role in stopping a 'Zellig greenlight. It certainly wasn't the only factor such as limited funding but it's undeniable.

Then again, Massa always had in mind to cater his show to a Dutch fanbase. Aside from our own action he did play his cards badly such as the donations exclusively from Petje.af.

Nonetheless, I think as the fanbase of the show expands to normiefags (as to be expected). Should Massa return back to Ongezellig (unlikely but who knows) he might have the opportunity to re-pitch the show, this time with an fanbase that is more 'representable'.


i wonder if any of massa's laments are in the massacord export. it would finally be the proof as to what extent is was him vs. us who played the bigger part in cancelling the show. about importing normies, it wont save the show so stop coping


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>it wont save the show so stop coping

Let me cope man…


bros i swear i'll fund more 'zellig when i win the lottery. two more weeks zelligbros


massa already listed his reasons publicly it wasn't us but its still worth looking.


>It's just another reason why ongezellig is so revolutionary and loved
That's exactly what the kikes fear, normies will love it and not see an issue. Normies constantly have to be fed with nationalism and racism are the worst things ever or they'll begin to snap awake and go "why does a 2% minority run most of the government, banks and media companies?"
>da joos is cliche, find something new to whine about
it's cliche because nothing has changed in 80 years


zarty with no black sun would look werid but its for ongezellig!


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>sad to see the ongezellig fandom/threads turn into discordfag sharty cringeland full of AI "art" since you tried to doxx all the drawfags for drawing nsfw. fuck all of you faggots, you fucks ruined ongezellig.


>words words words i love gooning to fictional 16 year old dutch girls


99% of gamblers quit before winning


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