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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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New dataminerald
Answer all of these questions to win a free shekel and Xi Jinpings signature


but voting taaaakes sooo looong


its not really dat long aldoeeverbeit


Do I really have to?


well no, its just for fun. itd be fun to see the demographics of der zarty dough


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All Hell would break loose if you didn't.


Ok have fun with my answers


Answers will be released when this thread is 3 days old btw, if the answers already arent public


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1. I'm mixed
2. I don't watch Ongezellig


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Explains why you're a cococuck


am a left wing authoritarian federalist i believe that the government should have more power over the people, and i also like mymy but i prefer maya cause she is likeable character.


im a social democrat


the best ideology btw. nothing else has worked ever.


OP kys for the politicoal you put in this




'cause he's a nigga

diehard leftard goypium tbh


Fascism has never produced a happy, stable society :^)


>stable and happy society is when I starve to death and get executed for not clapping long enough for my despot


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>Fascism has never produced a happy, stable society :^)


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Sorry suckdem, but I stand for of the early United States (before 1960s), a christian aryan country of free White man (see Naturalisation act of 1790) or similar Boer republics in Suid Afrika. Fascism or NatSocialism basically are the response of concerned nationals to the judeo-asiatic marxistic plague


nah bruh i heard suicide its bad cause that shit kills you 😔


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Literally history of each asian "country"


>Chao ling takes power
>230 million perish


white??? christian??? aryan??? didn't most 60s fathers literally fought a war to prevent kraut ideology coming in america???


imagine if they saw what the world is today doe


literally ancient china


>Wi fout da krautz…
>…in 1960s
The least retard 88iq westoid was detected


silence kraut lover if it wasn't for us yanks berlin would have burnt to the fucking ground be grateful that our beautiful democracy allows you're faggot aryan neo paganism theorys


either ways you are stupid and wrong imagine believing the words of a conspiracy theorist 💀


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>silence kraut lover if it wasn't for us yanks berlin would have burnt to the fucking ground be grateful that our beautiful democracy allows you're faggot aryan neo paganism theorys
>now im gonna go back to eating mcdonalds and race mix 24/7




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"Meh da konspirasi teoriz"


whos gonna tell lil bro the only living indo europeans are indians and iranians 😂


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the same WHITE indo-europeans mixed raced with other races even niggas! accept the truth chuddy!!
they got blacked!!!


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Heh sorry for ruining your weird manyaworld built on kikest soymyths about the White race


They are descendants of Indo-Europeans the same as the sons of Esau are descendants of Abraham


tf you mean indo europeans MADE sanskrit they made what would be modern day HINDUISM nigga quit listening to that nick fuentes shit and pick up a fucking book..


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Do you even understand what we're talking about?


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this is how you look


obviously am just saying that your retarded nigger fuentes propaganda is just that


also indo europeans are considered the first people to arrive in the indus river valley the only enemy was literally themselves 💀


Yeah, questions?


By who? Voices in yur head?


the priest king statue in pakistan.


no questions asked!


They meant that fathers circa the 60's had fought in WWII
>Fascists can't read
True and based


Incorrect statement. Fathers of 60s were born in the 30-40s, how they would fight the nazis while be 10 yo?


I just chose a random one I don't know any of them really


watch it then doe you pissbaby




Currently In the heartlands of Germany right now, will when I get back to Denmark, zaryan.


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Dataminerald results part 1


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Dataminerald results part 2



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last dataminerald

datamining complete, dialing CCP..


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>2nd pic


>No romancebros

Its over…


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why so many young zaryans….
I hope you guys are alright try not to hurt your underdeveloped brains and remember to take breaks from the internet and schizo shit


Yeah this
But do you think zoomerGODS and alphaGODS are doing better than millenialfags on the internet?


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Obviously zoomergods are doing better than soylenials. Aplhadietys are still learnin' with their ohio gyatt rizz speak.


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I participated you VILL give me my shekels NOW


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Do you think we're on our way in reversing the degeneracy 4cuck spread throughout the internet uaing soyjaks and Zellig?


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Hopefully it's the case for the newer generations as jaks are more of a satirzation of internet degeneracy and is better than old frogposts and wojaks and bait threads.
My source? I have noticed that soyjaks aren't always used to mock people they hate the most, but also mock part of themselves or their own side of the political spectrum.
My source's source? Leftist people I know IRL have laughed at troon jaks and you will eat the bugs/soylent jokes many times before.
However, the sharty is full of 'p, gore, and coal bait threads alot of the time which can make it worse than the cuck.
Ongezellig will always be gem and therefore the zarty is a safe haven for 'teens and spreading gemmy content.



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Yeah this
Both teens who take soyjaks seriously and teens who shitpost with it are actually unknowingly fighting against the coomers who ruined the internet
I don't care if they do it to save the West or for the gemmy seethe itself, but I'm happy to see this gradual change in the years to come


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You just said 'jaks are losings it's sting and that's a good thing


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Depends on the jak. You want a jak representing a pedophile being mercilessly made fun of and told told to KYS or shown with a rope ACKING them.
But for most jaks its just a bald man with glasses with his mouth agape. I mean they might hurt the feelings of snowflakes (and especially cuck jannies) but all the people that I know that know anything about soyjaks do not take them seriously.

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