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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Why do you like ongezellig


because of that orange cutie with a red nigger wiggle on her head or ontop of her chest, i fell in love, chuds.


xher racism drives me on


i like the dialogue, humor, art style, character designs and its small but dedicated fanbase. this show just clicks for me and im very glad to have found it because of youtube recommending it


maya is literally me


Very relatable, the humor is really funny, plus I love Mymy so much you d have to invent new words to describe it properly.


seeing vera beat down that stupid orange freak of nature made my day


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I like it because it's relatable, the characters are funny and its art style (i.e. it's not anime). Also, there aren't many shows like this, the only other one I know is Watamote but I've heard it devolves into some nonsensical fan service shit, hope that never happens to zellig


The characters are well written, the storyline conveys a good slice of life story, the artstyle is beautiful and unique.
its funny when its meant to be, dark when its meant to be, overall it's one of the greatests shows I've watched in a long time.

And lastly, it has a fanbase that shares the same political views as me(excluding /co/ and 'cord).


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because its funny and the characters are perfect but unfortunately it is destined to be taken over by faggot troons.


Unless we keep on gatekeeping.


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tf is this /co/ tier thread?


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What's /co/ about this thread? Have you ever seen how those go?


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>/co/ is when discussion instead of shitposting


yeah and usually the OP asks the most random and basic satuff ever.


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Made by a small studio and good quality. That's the biggest reason. I just like supporting indie creators. I also like seeing things that are made with foreign (or I suppose for them, domestic) audiences in mind. It gives things more of a charm than when a show is stripped entirely of its cultural identity to have wider international appeal. Might be why anime and East Asian media in general has been growing in popularity. It's uniquely Japanese/Asian and the culture is rarely stripped away. Even if it's not your thing, there's a novelty to that.

Characters were OK. I want more development. I'm curious how Mymy's character will develop. Does she embrace being a Dutch National, but ethnically Japanese? Does she go back to Japan? Can she even speak Japanese well enough to blend in? What causes her to despise being Japanese so much? Do Japanese people reject her as being "not truly Japanese" because she was adopted? (Very likely.) Did her biological parents hate her? Assuming nothing gets sanitized, Massa can take this in many interesting directions that would never happen in a "proper" network TV show. Mymy interests me to no end because it's an angle I've never seen taken seriously. Mymy's character is kind of caught in that limbo that mixed race kids like me are in, where we'll never be "White" or "Japanese." God forbid if you take it to Mymy's levels of coping, but she's a type of character I haven't really seen before and a type of person that definitely exists IRL. Just look at how common double-eyelid surgery is in Asian countries.


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>mixed race kids like me


You’re talking as if mymy isn’t white. Also words words words


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So basically mymy is a reflection of nick fuentes or something


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i like that slant eyed racist mymy, truly the goat of larping!


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>[…] Mymy's character is kind of caught in that limbo that mixed race kids
She's the eastern equivalent of a weaboo, I don't know what kind of crazy headcanon are you making up
>like me
Yikes, just yikes
>where we'll never be "White" or "Japanese."
Massa has clearly shown that's she's treated as a larper, Maya on the other hand…
>Massa can take this in many interesting directions that would never happen in a "proper" network TV show
I think you should take a closer look at how Maya is treated when talking about race. To begin with she's always made fun of Mymy, the VOC larper, as being "Belgian", even though she's portrayed as a SEAmonkey living in some jungle. Coco and Vera also to her as a "Belgian", and Maya always tries to correct the situation by mentioning she's from Brabant (without denying her being "Belgian", she acknowledges that but at least she's from the Dutch half, right?). Am I the only one who sees the subtext here? Just replace everything said about Belgium, a political correct country to have some banter with as the Netherlands, with Indonesia, a country which I guess if you trash talk in the Netherlands will get you in trouble. There's zero change Massa explores anything regarding this topic albeit, simply because he's a pussy too scared of pissing off his national audience doe all of this does make me think he's at least a bit keyed as he lets the idea of Maya the "Belgian" never being treated as (a proper) Dutch linger without repercussion


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tldr: Belgium -> Indonesia, now rewatch the show (this doesn't make much sense in deel 5, but still)


nigga maya isnt belgian, she literally from NORTHERN brabant the joke is that she is literally the only dutch person out of her two sisters.


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>she literally from NORTHERN brabant
>Why? Because I said so
Interesting that Massa made her be from the least dutch province of Flemish Belgium, filled with Wallonians and mystery mutts from Brussels


Did read, compelling theory


Fixed spelling (surprised somebody understood what I typed):
>made fun by* Mymy, the VOC larper, for* being
>Coco and Vera also see* to her


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nah bruv doesn't really make sense ngl you should rewatch the show


It's a schizo theory, it's not supposed to make sense to anyone but me
>you should rewatch the show
I should rewatch it more frequently tbh, it's been half a month since I last watched it


nah bro call me schizo but am right!!!!!! ur wrong!!


because it hits my eyeballs very brightly also racism


she actually is, that's the whole point of the thing
she was born and raised in Belgium, but tries to deny it by claiming she's from the dutch half of Brabant, which is implied is a lie. her voice actress reportedly has a very strong belgian accent too, which would confirm this.


Copium. Maya was born in the Netherlands, but in the south part of it («Brabant»). Her birthplace lies near Belgian-Dutch border (see official «dosje»), and actress's accent is a reference to Flamish dialect of Dutch rather then the Walloon dialect of French


the Brabant thing is a lie, even Vera outs her as a belgian


Because it is a bone-chilling, spine-tingling, genre-redefining thoughts-provoking dutch gem with no jumpscares. Also I want to have sex with Mymy.


You got your wish.. I guess


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I personally like watamote because the characters pretty cool and the writers were good at expressing emotion like ongezellig
the fan service shit was unnecessary though


Im currently reading watamote and am on around chapter 70. Does it get really bad later on?

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