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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Actual dead fucking site, holy fucking shit


so uh what happened? Who are you trying to doxx??


Some troon that someone else made a thread on. I just reposted the links to xeir socials, but either Froot or some janny clitty leaked HARD and banned me for """linking illegal materials"""


you were banned before this as well? what is he hiding?


Try appealing the ban, might be some nujanny retard


I wasn't banned beforehand, either a 'tard janny or system (Froot) flagged my IP and constituted it as "ban evading" because some troon was ddosing the site at the time.
I did and a janny lifted it for me (xey explained xey couldn't find xeir dilator and got heckin period cramps from xeir estrogen shots, you know how tgirls get when xey're having a heckin' unwholesome day).


fdl is all over the place


whenever it works (half of the time it just gives a fucking error, doesn't happen on any other 'chan) it's just vantablack brimstone from the deepest nagsaki sewers (the wiki be fine af albeit)

do we just bomb it with 'p and fucking end it's misery?


File: 1706307850274.gif (20.39 MB, 1000x1000, 1701124902581.gif)

>do we just bomb it with 'p and fucking end it's misery?


kinda based doughbeit


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Nigger shut up


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>>2651 >Nigger shut up


Fail arrow. Also Reddit Gold


>>2653 yeah I forgot to fucking enter


fucking retard does not realize its a glitch and all xie had to do was clear the cache and req unban.


nobody is personally attacking you froot


File: 1706430377539.png (751.71 KB, 1000x1000, ClipboardImage.png)

I am, post address faggot


your estrogen filled, faggot i could beat you up, ill beat you up you stupid fucking poopy head


fuck you chud you little pissbaby you fucking chud how dare you make fun of me and my spouses partner you fucking chud. go fucking save your race or something you little slf.

glory to israel btw


kill yourself latrinx ape

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