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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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I ve seen some zaryans on there, albeit i dont see a real purpose for it existing apart from complaining about the state of the 'sharty itself.


never even heard of this until now


It's like a day old. There were a few threads on the sharty talking about it yesterday, jannies are deleting any posts that mention it.


its surprisingly alive. It's better than the sharty already, but I doubt it'll last long. Let's hope it does, though.


Nice stealth advertisement nigga


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>Seriously thinking that anyone would advertise in the zarty


they've had 700 posts in less than a day on their meta board either extremely active or just 5 corders posting 24/7 to make it seem alive


Be cautious about any random splinters popping up. May be some sort of cordop, ipgrabber, 'p distribution network or any combination of those


Take your fucking meds, i just said that i dont even see a purpose for it. The reason why im posting about it here is because i cant talk about it on the sharty


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isnt the sharty all of those?


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What's happening in the sharty btw? Why is everything spinning? Does Froot want to catty wipe soy or something?


somethings suspicious going on, they deleted a thread about fdl and pretending to be frogs


frooch clitty reallllly leaked this time


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new schizo margerald dropped


Site's been fun for me, looks too barebones to be a dataminer but that can change at any moment


yeah i meant this thread wtf is going on


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>page 1 is 15 minutes old
this is peak hours. the soyim are splintering, they are rising against froot








lol stfu dead discord splinter


Replied to a 1 month old thread that you dislike without sage award


It's a covert shilling tactic

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