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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Farty died with soot


newgod here, I didn’t learn about the ‘arty’s existence until 2022 and didn’t start posting until 2023, what has changed and why has it become more coalish?


Uhhh… my fellow sootistsister what do we have to tell this humble 'teen? >>2572
Surely we aren't larping?


As a 5 months ago ANCIENTFAG I can tell you the sharty stopped being good exactly 2 weeks after I joined (totally not the novelty wearing off) and I place full blame for that on the jews.


well i joine in march and I also feel as if the site has went worse after Kuz left. I'm not sure about Soot, i only know wiki levels of stuff.


>what has changed
the fact that people like you took over the place, also known as newtrannies
kuz is the man single handedly responsible for killing the shitty
also if you believe that froot/root/doll/red/angeleno are real and not personas of that mentally ill faggot you're retarded


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>Surely we aren't larping?


tl;dr it used to be le funny shitposting site. 'nas' and 'ias' were user classifications, not grounds for jannies to delete your shit. boards used to be filled with nas and it was actually funny, it was almost like a /qa/ board and not soyboy wojack themed /pol/


It's intriguing to see all of the different and clashing views and recollections of what the "good old days" were like. Probably in part because there's a lot of newDEITYS larping as oldchads and talking out of their ass


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>Hmmm, this guy says 2+2=4, but this other guy is saying it equals 3, and another says it equals 5… well, they must all be wrong!
any site that's been around for any length of time will have people LARP as oldfags, but that doesn't mean there aren't any oldfags. I'm not even that old really, i joined sometime in early to mid 2022 (like june or something) so i'm hardly an ancientGOD or anything, but each admin the site has gotten significantly worse.


Never said everything I heard is wrong, just that it's intriguing hearing the conflicting stories. I wasn't there so I know jack shit about what it as like


sorry for being so hostile then. confliting views as you say are mainly due to two main things; rose tinted glasses and larping as oldGOD award. similar to why 4cuck has the same thing of how /b/ used to b(e)


>so many newfags who don't even remember soot let alone the original /qa/
kuz had a literal botfarm and a ton of pisscord troons worship him as their fellow pedophile, you will always find someone defending him on websites affiliated with him for that reason, and because people will ALWAYS argue with each ther on IBs no matter the topic
There is no point in using the wiki ever since it's owned by the same fags who own the farty and booru. I have no idea why that is the case currently anyway, soot was supposed to keep the wiki ownership after selling sharty


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Kuzjak has good physiognomy though


Its been comfy on this site but the old vs. new wars are already here so its over


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Am I the only one who doesn't care about admin drama? I just want the sharty not to have any illegal shit


>>2616 same, dnb is fucking nasty, and those who defend that shit are prob pedos


trvke, there's a thread about it on the sharty as we speak, looks as though it may get banned


>>2618 read a bit of it, but the fucking shartys down rn


I have the thread open in another tab, could archive it (no gore ofc)


>>2620 yeah that would be good thanks bro


I just hope they also ban racebait since it grow exponentially in the last weeks, dnb is just a sympton of it. I dont see a problem on a bit of discussion or drama if is not excessive like 4cuck.


>>2622 I agree with that since it just derails threads into being a bunch of self hating faggots complaining


site is back up albeit


>also if you believe that froot/root/doll/red/angeleno are real and not personas of that mentally ill faggot you're retarded
take your meds NOW!

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