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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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>biblically accurate angels copypasta
>the gem/coal that saved/killed the sharty
>the swede
>swedish win
>norwegian fail
>sooty soot
>vantablack niggercoal
>larping as lee goldson
>take your meds
>mental asylum
>the great purchase
>no arrow
>five nights at cobsons
>turkey tom
>unironically sucking off the fat janny like a faggot
>brown troonjaks
>on the 'log
>soyjak wiki
>nikocado avocado
>[x] won [y] lost
>admin 6
>admin thrembo
>ominous 'jaks
>[x] le bad even doe [y]
>it's over
>it's just getting started
>twitter immigrant
>amarna forum
>soyvil wars
>le B_C girl!
>burundi is white

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