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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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I would buy out the Sharty from Froot and enact a special experiment called "The 1-Board Plan". Seeing as how the 50-Board Plan by Frqqt was a complete disaster and the quality of posts are at an all-time low, I think attempting to revive /qa/ kulturr should be something to be looked into. Which is why for my 1-Board Plan I'll cut out access to the other boards, save for ones like seeing the rules and accessing external sites at the top, leaving /soy/ to be the only board to post on. NAS and IAS would be allowed, it'll last for a whole week, and for the last 3 or 4 days I'll implement 4cuck-levels of restrictions on posts; so things like uploading 1 image per post, 2 minute cooldowns, no video uploads besides .webms without sound, no NSFW so no 'cado holes or TND/Gore, etc. etc. Because as they say: restrictions breed creativity, and I think 'teens need a little pushback to pump out some more refined gems for the site.
It'll be a lotta extra work for jannies and everyone VVILL disaprove of these changes, but it'll be an interesting case study to see whether or not this would help bring up the quality of posts on the Sharty.


Words words words, if I was rich I’d buy Ongezellig and force massa to make alt far right indoctrination episodes.


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Yeah, just make replicate 4chan/qa/
>so things like uploading 1 image per post, 2 minute cooldowns, no video uploads besides .webms without sound
Those things are fine doe, there's no need to copy the technical, outdated stuff
>Words words words, if I was rich I’d buy Ongezellig and force massa to make alt far right indoctrination episodes.


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how to make people not watch your shit

step 1: making it so fucking politically charged it looks like that a real life chud made the damn script.

step 2: don't change the original story line, the audience is use to what the original plot, change it you'll get backlash.

see? your idea sounds so autistic why would you change the story plot for your ideology, i get it we are from board culture but we have to draw a line in the sand when we want to change something that literally brought us together in the first place!


Forgot your reply award >>2430


Thought I was serious award


didnt read anything, vera is hot

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