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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1705189317380.png (325.26 KB, 607x581, 3c275b51-0663-46b4-86a3-1d….png)


I hate the modern sharty and doxxcord, but jarty can be slow at times so I'm posting here.


File: 1705189660772.png (209.66 KB, 400x400, 1701167282979.png)

>jarty can be slow at times so I'm posting here
I refuse to believe that it's slower than the zarty


might be something with his internet and jschan


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It's much faster (and overall better) than vichan doe


idk maybe his browser. ohio internet


File: 1705876031689.gif (4.04 MB, 632x900, itsover.gif)

TSMT sharty is officially kiwifarms except every post you HAVE to attach a soyjak
jakparty.soy is literally 24/7 whine about wojack.party


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they'll tell you to stop spamming soyjaks if you get too uppity in their #vent generals, btw


File: 1705876743306.gif (7.73 MB, 2000x2000, GEEEEG.gif)

geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg DO nuTeens really


That whole thread is a shitshow


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literally people admitting they have 'p folders geg


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no arrow


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>stop spamming the thread with shitty soyjak replies


cuz im a little pissbaby das why


File: 1705882360316.png (51.98 KB, 199x255, 57914 - SoyBooru.png)

>urm, can you stop posting soyjaks on the soyjak website please? im trying to GOON here!

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