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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1696664183199.jpeg (30.93 KB, 400x400, 3CADE8E4-FFD4-4E79-8AD6-6….jpeg)


If this community is large enough for it, give me ur wiki page/wiki site. I’ll have to do some research…


search "soyzellig.party" or "Zelligaryan Homeland" on the soywiki



Hope that’s ironic, because otherwise ure connecting a cartoon to "the ubermensch"?
I couldn’t thank u more.


File: 1696775033682.gif (84.35 KB, 723x861, 1688146515970.gif)

>connecting a cartoon to the übermensch, eventho the show is aryan… LE BAD!


I’m falling down this stupid rabbithole faster than ever before. And I came from the godaddy forums.


uh oh
the goyim know


what the fuck is the godaddy forums


so since zoot is tech iliterate (just like le heckin coco or samthing), he went around forums to get help for setting up vichan


so the beans were spilled before this whole thing even started


uhh yeah basically


The shill that was more successful then the Time Square advertisement


>godaddy forums immigrant
now ive seen it all, zelligGODS are going web-wide


Someone post the zarty to the bricklink forums.



<Hello, I was browsing Soyzellig.party and one ofthe users said that there was this really cool lego boat with the dutch flag. I coudn't find it anywhere so I'm posting here for help.

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