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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Favorite videogames of the zarty?
I don't play much at all, and I was raised with Nintendo, so picrel is mine


I like paradox games like ck3, eu4 and hoi4. Hoi4 is definitely my favourite doe


Legend of Zelda: Ocarnia of Time

I plan to play Majora's Mask after this, i hear its awesome


You were a Nintendo kid kleki?


Played some MC and GD and DDLC


another namefag derailment


what is your favorite video game?


By hours tf2, but Im inclined to say starcraft. Can't say doe, I haven't gamed in a long time


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Gem, Paper Mario is my favorite as well. Thousand Year Door is better in gameplay but 64 has more SOVL and you can spin dash


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I'm hesitant on calling this a straight up "gem" because while I do love this game, there are far too many moments that borders on EPI(Early Fetish Indoctrination?)-type conditioning that I garantee has made children develop shit like vore and inflation. Thankfully this didn't do anything for me, but I know this has "helped" some kids "find" their kinks.
Love the gameplay, could do without the subliminal fetish gearing.


>wah wah wah zooty change m-my diaper


Are you really back?


yeah, my mom got hospitalized so I got access to my devices again


Alright kleki, joel everyone who's in on this namefag shit.
Please lets chill with the namefagging, first of all you're filling up the report queue with angry zaryans, second of all this site wasn't made for namefaggers.
I'm fine with keeping you all here, in fact i'd love to have you guys here, but you can become known by other things than the namefield simply.
A lot of people don't want your namefagging, so lets try tuning it down, alright?
god bless


Would moving to /bant/ work better?


youre not me but you type freakishly like me
in a way. an incomplete way.
you type so kindly for a janjan…. ill stop namefagging as much here, but once i get my computer back ill make another zellig themed drawthread with no name field :)

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