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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1704668763285.gif (709.45 KB, 200x200, 1704657783776.gif)


<Biblically accurate 'Zelligs


File: 1704675683556.png (17.37 KB, 605x522, BibiliCALLYaccuratemaya.png)

I feel like maya is way to pretty of a girl to be the type she is


>>2346 she looks like a troon


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>Oy vey coco


File: 1707531355251.png (94.98 KB, 176x229, adfgsdgjhgkfj.PNG)

Be honest with yourselves, Mymybros… Mymy would look fucking stupid.


Kill yourself antimymytranny she doesn’t look like this, wouldn’t look like this.


ngl he kinda right mymy is gonna look fucking stupid lol


File: 1707576817186.jpg (252.31 KB, 850x2031, __mymy_schoppenboer_ongeze….jpg)

She'll look most likely smthng like this


File: 1707579137233.gif (9.33 KB, 147x255, 1705379831239.gif)

but canonically see looks like this


She wouldnt look like that doe, antimymyist dogwhistle


obviously she's gonna look asian, what you think that she is a blonde blue eyed uber mensch?


orange, blue eyed uber mensch albeit


Latinxies like you just can't accept that mymy is a valid germanic


accept it faggot mymy is a fucking CHINK


Take your meds projecting faggot Mymy is a part of the Germano-Slavic master race


actually maya is pure aryan, mymy is literally built for BBC


the fact that big japan has infected your brain with BBC and estrogen its absolutely WILD, accept the facts that maya is pure germanic and her ancestors are indo europeans!


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File: 1712409341477.png (1.85 MB, 1152x1728, IMG_5196.png)


ZOOOOOT kill this nigger already




File: 1712433835727.png (49.44 KB, 716x1046, GGV7nJIWYAAtSwO.png)

why the fuck would you necro bump this retarded thread with that shit


whats with the fat girls, this aint nuts


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