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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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Apparently there is a Frootcord
and they even leak other IPs lol
Froottroonsisters your response?!


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o fuk i posted the same image twice


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NAZ cord drama that no one gives a shit


or something


Froot finally responded https://archive.is/3OAAW
Also move this to /qa/


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froot has a epstein edit on the hand btw
hope rel doesnt make jannys clitty twitch too much


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I remember seeing this weird string in brackets every time ive seen an admin interface being posted like after the mass IP leaks
The frootcord is 100% using your cookies or maybe even useragent to track your ban status, this is probably a remnant of kolyma datamining that they didn't get rid of
I'm thinking since there's 3 sets of brackets that one is for useragent, one is for cookies, and one is for IP but i'm not a tech genius or insider so its just a guess
froot participating in pedoirony is a surprise considering that he also handed out bans for that exact same thing


its also why he doesnt want to bring back tor
>um actually tor users post 'p
when dolly first came in control he re-enabled tor but no file uploads and there was a all time low 'p links being posted (based on the bans.php) and every time i ask froot about re-adding tor he just redirects me to dev team which are completely unreachable
froot also took the servers out of russia so he can datamine easier


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also this is new as the red leaks dont have them despite him being just being under owner in the command


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froot datamined us MORE THAN KUZ and nobody is even batting an eye
No Tor, no VPN, only residential proxies work
Cant wait for the nudoll era, this time with 4cuck levels of datamining and restrictions on top of 'p still slipping through the cracks either way


he knows the newfags joining dont know any better, unironically the nunormal


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I always had this schizo screenshot but it's not a longshot anymore to say that froot is max


Heeey I remember that, I took that screenshot (since the thread got deleted I had to zoom in on the catty, thankfully thumbnail was readable enough) and started posting it on the sharty after it got deleted. after some battling with the trannyjannys I got banned for "ban evasion". I emailed it to doll and he said he'd take a look and my appeal went trough so make of that what you will


froot might be joel probably just a random teen though


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Reminder Froor still hasn't provided evidence that kuz is this "carter" individual (although I don't believe kuz is the slavic, aids-ridden multimillionaire he makes himself out to be either)


Reminder that it kuz really was carter the pedophile from Florida than doll was complacent for 1 year acting as an employee and said nothing until froot's revisionism


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In English ESL nigger


boo hoo nigga i misspelled one word
cry me a river


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>retarded ESL won't smarten up and explain what his gorilla nigger message is saying
GEEEEEEEEG do nuzoicaca/qa/troons really?


I understood what he said immediately, I think you're just retarded.
But I'll simplify it for you EFL americans: If Kuz really is a pedophile named Carter then Doll was complicit with the whole charade for a year
You got all that or should I break it up into multiple sentences?


projecting kike calls ME esl because he can't understand the coherent english im telling him

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