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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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why is the massacord gatekept so hard its like they want your entire doxx to join to just talk to other fans


I've heard that it's the head admin foenkie, who made such rules.
Why? Good question, I genuinely do not know, but I do have a few guesses.
1. The sharty and zarty are generally far right oriented, and as we all know; different opinions le bad. So in order to protect the (I kid you not) masses of trans people within the cord, they closed it for zelligaryans.
2. I heard there was a raid some time ago where massacord was raided with child pornography, the raiders claimed to be from the sharty, but i actually doubt that soyteens actually did it. It's likely some people trying to give zelligaryans a bad name. Therefore foenkie closed the cord and made it accessible to trusted individuals and people who could prove themselves not to be of malicious intent.

And I'm officially out of guesses, maybe someone else has a better theory.


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dude, you dont even know how mindbroken the massacord mods are by jaks. they will ban you for using soyspeak words like "sharty". they also apperantly already doxx you, as they have spies everywhere.
your best beat for you to stay there and talk with the few 3 active people there is to be dutch. if you have had contact with soyjaks even once(or you knew somebody who was a teen), Mossad will report back to Foenkie and you will be blacklisted.
not sure why tho, i guess it had to do something with gussy and rod or shieeeee.

screenshot is from a friend who tried to join in for infiltration purposes.


those two are kind of the official reasons, but even so, foenkie did say that he wasnt specifically against soyjaks (at first, even after the raids).
i think that unofficially foenkie just wanted to prevent some sort of drama. we were trying to dig in more into the gussy stuff. He probably saw the thread and didnt want anybody do get some 60 pizzas


>we don't have anything against soyjaks


I remember being muted for saying "soyquote" for a day back then


lmao these people are fucking insane


that jaks do to a mf


Do you actually even get muted if you shorthand words with the apostrophe like 'lig or 'een?


>how 2 infiltrate massacord
>step 1. dont mention 'arty culture
>step 2. you are in
how do you fuck this up


I recall trying to join a month ago and being unable to verify because their shitty bot verification bot didnt work


Altdentifier. If your account isn't old enough, you are in suspicious servers, or the youtube/steam your used looks a little weird mods will ban you.


so basically:
>create an account
>let it sit for a month or so
>time to infiltrate

I heard you can manage multiple accounts at once, that shouldn't be an issue right? Like, there's no way for them to figure that out, right?


nvm. this ain't werf it.
literal cyber-gestapo
might as well join on my main.

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