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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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I just wanna enjoy cute cartoon girls, why do ya'll have to slap nazis and wars and racism into everything


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>wah wah not the heckin' racism!


Otherwise you get trannies who draw them with dicks fucking eachother mkay?
Happened just yesterday


Oh yeah, and soyjaks too…
Seriously with all this controversial stuff you might make the cartoon not get picked by a studio, and never get a full season :/
Also, I know this is a dumb question, but why soyjaks?


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this is all true, what would you rather have?


someone spammed 'lig on bearded cartoon man website and now it's intertwined with sharty cvltvre or something.



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>Oh yeah, and soyjaks too…
>Seriously with all this controversial stuff you might make the cartoon not get picked by a studio, and never get a full season :/


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Yeaahh I think I'll pass on this one…
I found the cartoon through YT recommendations, and I loved every bit of it: the animation characters, humor….
And then I got here…
Honestly, I don't understand how such a cute cartoon could spawn such horrible fanbase (Maybe the creator has something to do with it? idk)
I don't think I should investigate further on this, internet has ruined a lot of this for me on the last few months (I've been OBSESSED with this cartoon lol)
So yeah, no more -zellig for me, I guess. Not gonna risk my mental health lol
Bye guys! I hope this cartoon finds an ACTUAL good fanbase that doesn't only talk about political stuff.
…so long, eh.


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Some are so afraid of the light that they will run and hide away from it as long as they live


political stuff? tf are you on about? we be chilling nigga.
You got afraid from the world "nigger" or something?


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Least obvious fake newfaggot award.
Frfr, you not foolin' anyone by saying you found this place before you found the sharty.


tbf there was a dude who found the zarty on godaddy


Zoot leak his IP


Zoot ## Admin

Here you go:


>never seen the 4cuck award


Honestly thank god I found a show which I both love and has a fanbase that I'm politically alligned with.


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i know youre a slut for da bbc


this post was made by a congolese cobalt miner


go nigga go


Because the show itself is edgy, has edgy humor, and Mymy is unironically a borderline Nazi.

That's one of the biggest reasons to like the show.


'cause each of them is LITERALLY me! Each of them is LITERALLY you, LITERALLY he, LITERALLY we!
If you want more serious answer, then understand that the 'zellig is just built on dark humor and political memes. Massa (i mean the creator of this studio — Sam) is literally "our" person, who interested in history. The story of Maya is connected itself with the story of an regular european country. The plot, finally, has a clear ethnic colouring. Zellig can't not lure rightists to itself… And, at least, every of political radical in the internet understands Maya, her sociopathy and her confrontation with whole world (caricaturical postmodern conflict).




The three main characters are all women, and 2 of them are literally POC. Remind me why right-wingers like this show, again?


Which two?




Mymy is an East Asian and Maya is a Southeast Asian


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they have an aryan soul.


You wish, CHUD


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race is only skin deep for women anyways. i'm only racist against m0ids.


I can tell from this post you're a 5'4 little CHUDDY…


Maya is just metis (25%-50% of indonesian and 50%-75% of aryan blood) and Mymy is "Honolaly Alyan". It's very simple.


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kause we love our people and dont believe they should be destroyed

now get ur normie ass outta here or start thinking and read white power by george lincoln rockwell

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