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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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it started out interestingly and the main character is reletable, but i feel as if the show ended too early/the ending was unsatisfying.
Or am I just not getting it?


That's the japanese 'zellig, right?


kinda, a lot of people were comparing zellig to it, so i decided to watch it myself.
Altough Maya and Tomoko have some (key word "some") similarities in character, their goals and ambitions are different.
I feel as if the show didnt really resolve Tomoko's problems so it feels unfinished.


They say the manga accomplished far more, and the story finishes it out properly over there


yeah i just learned that apperantly the manga is still runing (or has a far more developed story). I saw that there were talks of a second episode, but i dont know what happened.
I will check out the manga then and see if its any better over there. I think i will start from where the show ends.
Its sad that the show is one of those "manga ad" ones.

Will share my toughts as I read through.



I saw that there were talks of a second season***


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many animes dont get a second season so the story remains incomplete, watamote is one of these
the manga actually does have an ending. i didnt read it but i've been told she grows out of the 'tism basically


yes, as of now, i got that the major theme is growing out of all the fake presumptions that Tomoko has gained from all the soy media and decadent oriental cartoons. Some of the little stories are a bit weird tho. there was this part, for example, where Tomoko almost shat herself during a maraton.

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