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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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<but not da frogs, ponies, boykissers, anthros, furries, TADCfags, Omorifags, blogposters, countrywars, penis color wars fags, tranime, speech bubbling, gore, porn, DNB, dead nigger corpses posting, doxxing literal whos, the jarty, QAfe, commiepedotroons, and literal demoralization posters


i think that the sharty has become a bit more toxic then it should. it was a lot more chill a few months back.


Don't exist still brimstone though
Pretty sure it's just one guy
Don't exist on the sharty
Although I agree with the rest


the boykissersand tadcfags (used to) exsist i think.


It's all of them combined you fucking rat, you 'zellig trannies were all on-board with the nigger gore, gay porn, doxxing, and other shit until it start affecting you, typical fucking snake


Okay nigger now tell us what to do


>you 'zellig trannies were all on-board with the nigger gore, gay porn, doxxing, and other shit
What the fuck are you talking about? Delusional beyond belief


You ARE Complicit with sharty murdering brimstone one day, Then as SOON as you face the blow-back… you snitch and throw all your previous ideals under the bus… You and the rest of the sharty cucks thought it was fucking funny to have gay porn and TND everywhere, even making crappy OC about it… but then you idiots get one rock thrown at you and you go full BACKSTAB MODE and make everything you've done seem not as bad since you no longer believe in it.. You basically are saying you deserve sympathy because you fell for the idea that there is no consequences, but as soon as they happen… you ALL snitch and run away from the problems..


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i mean, I can speak for myself that I never really enjoyed any of this. What I liked about the sharty was the cool people and the OC, not spamming porn, gore and doing other shit.
Calm down a bit, you sound too pissed off.
How about you tell us how your day was? Mine wasnt that bad. I went to a very good restaurant with my familly and ate some pasta.


I never liked NSFW albeit


What are you talking about
>You basically are saying you deserve sympathy because you fell for the idea that there is no consequences, but as soon as they happen… you ALL snitch and run away from the problems..
Medicate yourself. I never posted gore or coomerbait and have only counter signaled it ever since I joined
>oh well maybe it wasnt you specifically but the other zelligposters…
We arent a hivemind, youre raving about some faggot who made le bbc edits on the 'ru a tear ago and are trying to pin it on us as a collective
also that't not how you use the word "snitch"


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So the antizellig mindset really is based on delusion then
Good stuff


I do feel as if a lot of hate is based on delusion, but then again the sharty is an anonymous website. You cant really tell who is posting what, nor can you know much about every individual's personality (if at all).


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>But someone said something a year ago so now I have impetus to hate you for the rest of my life


Dr. Soyberg, we found an escapee from /calm/


the variety of users is the best thing about the Sharty and the hostility towards all of them is the worst thing

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