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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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>How did anyone of you ayran's find ongezellig?

Credit to the artist who drew this idk who made it so


Minor grammar mistake once again on the sharty


>How did anyone of you ayran's find ongezellig?
While lurking 4cuck, funnily enough it eventually lead me to (real) /qa/


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Randomly recommended on youtube and i liked the thumbnail so i clicked


Through /soy/, simple as
finding sharty through 'lig is extremely keyed and probably the best immigration route besides being a 4/qa/chad


also fuck verification captcha


Based president made a rewiev on it, watched like the first 5 minutes of his video, thought it looked interesting.


the gemerald mod and the sharty (/soy/ and /qa/)




through the 'tube. I remember Mymy getting posted on /pol/ tho, that was way back in the day.. I just didn't care for it until I watched the pilot years later.


Is it okay if I found 'lig through seeing a clip of it on a 'cord I was in?


if it wasnt a soy or trans groomer cord you will be hesitantly forgiven for your LE CRIMES for being on the purple app


Somebody posted Deel 1 on the 'cuck and I was hooked
2016 was a hell of a year


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>First deel was uploaded on 2019


Deel 1 was released on it's own back in 2018 or so.
Here's the og release, notice the slightly different sound editing.
It also featured a different outro.



> back in 2018 or so, ev&oe it clearly says 2018 in the title.
I need my meds.


Also Mymy's lines got re-recorded or something? Sure sounds like it, although this might be due to the subpar audio mixing.


Same, someone posted it on a telegram page that I followed. That's also how I found the sharty

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