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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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discord: the website


Uselss post saying nothing of substance.


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Bantcuck projecting award 🏆




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zoot literally uses discord so you're 1000% correct


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erm, administrations unrelated usage of discord doesn't denote this website as cord


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>>>1943 (You)
>erm, administrations unrelated
usage of discord doesn't denote
this website as cord


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cord is sharty culture


baited nobody award


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>>>>1943 (You)
>>erm, administrations unrelated
>usage of discord doesn't denote
>this website as cord


baited you


File: 1703110391663.png (655.63 KB, 2176x1809, ClipboardImage.png)

is this true


what are you asking


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Before saying anything, I wish to first provide context to this image.

Indeed, as I have mentioned before, I use discord. I am in an ongezellig discord server, which I was invited originally to help invastigate the porn/pedo cabal in the zellig community (foenkie, gussywussy, rodscorpion ect.), but stayed, since there are cool people to chat with. One day a person by the name of gemluteson joined in and asked if I was the real zoot. At first I simply replyed with "yes", but the person wanted a screenshot. I decided to give him a screenshot of the dashboard, since i tought that he can't really get important/sensitive information (i.e. IPs) so it wouldn't hurt anybody. Next thing I know, he got mad from learning that this was indeed my account and made this comidically scary looking peace of art.

To clarify, the server that this event took place is harmless. Things like doxxing, (child) pornography, IRL gore ect. are prohibited. The server also does not partake in any anti-sharty activities. It's mainly focused on zellig and not on the sharty (despide there been a few teens, including me).
Also to clarify (since there is probably going to be people that dont get that I am joking), I do not sell IPs. Of course, if you feel safer with a VPN, go ahead, I do not mind as long as you dont use it to ban evade and spam.

You may have noticed that there is a black arrow pointing at a "Discord server" note. Indeed I have a seperate cord server, which is used for quick communication amongst me and my mods/jannies. This way we can notify eachother quicker when there is a raid or somebody breaks the rules in general. We also use it to discuss other site related issues. We have a telegram group for the same perpouse as well.

I hope that I have shined some light on the situation and that no useless drama starts from this. If there are any more relevant questions, I will try to answer them.

God bless.


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>Before saying anything, I wish to first provide context to this image.

>Indeed, as I have mentioned before, I use discord. I am in an ongezellig discord server, which I was invited originally to help invastigate the porn/pedo cabal in the zellig community (foenkie, gussywussy, rodscorpion ect.), but stayed, since there are cool people to chat with. One day a person by the name of gemluteson joined in and asked if I was the real zoot. At first I simply replyed with "yes", but the person wanted a screenshot. I decided to give him a screenshot of the dashboard, since i tought that he can't really get important/sensitive information (i.e. IPs) so it wouldn't hurt anybody. Next thing I know, he got mad from learning that this was indeed my account and made this comidically scary looking peace of art.

>To clarify, the server that this event took place is harmless. Things like doxxing, (child) pornography, IRL gore ect. are prohibited. The server also does not partake in any anti-sharty activities. It's mainly focused on zellig and not on the sharty (despide there been a few teens, including me).

Also to clarify (since there is probably going to be people that dont get that I am joking), I do not sell IPs. Of course, if you feel safer with a VPN, go ahead, I do not mind as long as you dont use it to ban evade and spam.

>You may have noticed that there is a black arrow pointing at a "Discord server" note. Indeed I have a seperate cord server, which is used for quick communication amongst me and my mods/jannies. This way we can notify eachother quicker when there is a raid or somebody breaks the rules in general. We also use it to discuss other site related issues. We have a telegram group for the same perpouse as well.

>I hope that I have shined some light on the situation and that no useless drama starts from this. If there are any more relevant questions, I will try to answer them.

God bless.




So why do you need both a cord and telegram


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no one looks like this


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You are obsessed with brown troonjaks


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for gods sake I DO NOT LOOK LIKE THAT


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its actually quite impressive how many of these you have


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It doesn't even look human anymore


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The telegram group was created later, just in case the discord server got deleted or is unavailable. You never know what could happen.


File: 1703133449582.gif (1.33 MB, 320x367, jitter wink.gif)

thanks zooty


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i'm the guy on the far right of the image. the doctor guy.


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