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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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>>not a single Zellig bread in page 1
>/qa/ is healing
>even though anthro (secretly bestiality) thread
>even though boykisser (goonercoal) thread
>even though negan has no distinctive quality other than zellig hate (and there's actually more cooler things going onto him than simply killing Zellig)
>even though ponyfags are literally posting the same thread with no substance
Are all the other so-called alternatives to the show really that bad? If these niggers really wanna to save /qa/ from DA ZELLIG then they should be making threads that have actual discussions other then being /co2/


/qa/ - Zoo


>fascinating how the board is actually pleasant to use
>almost no meaningful activity on the board besides furfag threads
It's almost like no one cares about the board aside from faggots holding a vendetta


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/qa/ (Sharty) has gotten really dry and boring lately ive mostly quit using it
its just pointless back and forth culture wars
>This side bad this side good


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Look, I don't even like zellig but if this is the alternative for the future then please return. I fucking hate furries so much I see them everywhere same with ponies. all zoophiles. all colonizing a soyjak site with thousands of pictures of nas dust in the most literal sense imported from discord. just get it off by any means necessary. it's not special and it's not sharty culture. I can find furry zoophiles all over the mainstream Internet but zellig is unique and has the moral highground in that it's sharty centric and contributes to jakking culture. hang every single furry zoophile, cleanse the sharty and protect innocent animals. kick the ironic baiters back to the jarty and real ones to prison.


God said this


divine TRVKE


If you think about it, what he said is actually from God since he caused this to be said here in the Zarty. (See Romans 8:28 and Psalm 139:4)
I think it's time for us to retake and reform our homeland.

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