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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1696160912761.jpeg (121.39 KB, 1242x1607, 1695872240501.jpeg)


Everyone should migrate here from /soy/, the party has gone to shit under fr✡️✡️t and trangelen


The 'arty has unironically fallen


i mean it's not that bad for now. if we get to doll/red level of retardation then yeah everyone shoud go here.


the coal police consider furshit gemmy


Sure, but it could be worse.
It's not like zellig threads are getting deleted and zellig posters are being banned. From a zaryan's POV, it's alright.
/soy/ sucks ass tho. The new variants are poorly made and don't look like the classics.


now that i look at the drawing, why is coco fliped? or am i a schizo?


I don't know, I found it like that on /zellig/


yeah, look at her hair. The start of the strip should be on the right.

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