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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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New 'toss


Marge what is Sidty


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>Marge what is Sidty


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sidson.city, a site made by Vinluv, the creator of sidson, as a haven for posting sidson related material. Vinluv co-opted with a friend to host the first zarty for a short time before it became paywalled and the idea was trashed. The site is down now but it might come back


new 'cord



holy spoonfeed


we are teens who like zellig, we come from the sharty. why should we be considered an enemy?


By that logic 'AKparty would be not considered hostile so it's more like everyone is here has dual citizenship of the sharty and zarty and isn't bent on breaking the rules of either site


what hostile action did we do against the sharty?


they hate us for flooding /qa/ with funny shit that makes them mad (even though thats how the entire sharty came to be)


Meds there has and never was any /qa/ flooding coordination here, not even crossposting


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apologies it's 2:48 am

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