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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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laugh at 4niggers thread



Honestly 4cuck banning 'zellig might be a good thing as it'd deal a serious blow to the /co/omers trying to distance the show from the sharty/zarty.


Wait they're banning it?


No, I was saying a hypothetical for if the 4cuck user saying to ban it got what he wants.


That would be a very interesting solution to the /co/omer problem. If they try to treaten us, we have a nuke on our side.


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Perhaps we really should try to infiltrate /co/ threads and truly make them covert sharty threads until the jannys get fed up and ban zellig on the 'cuck
And I'm sure the rest the of Sharty would also be up for an op like that


Mods are not going to sitewide 'nish something so niche


Not sitewide, but boardwide. You are correct, it's a long shot. But it would be a gem to be remembered if succeeded.


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File: 1699401165261-1.png (16.58 KB, 740x140, gassy sharty fetish.png)

Never forget…



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