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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1701970022516.png (28.87 KB, 859x644, 2023_11_28_0gh_Kleki.png)


well froot rangebanned all the IPs of my mobile data service in my county….




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okay, let me clarify a few things.
1. yes, gnuschizo is a good friend of mine
2. no, he has never EVER spammed 'p on the sharty. sure, he has joked about pedophilia, but he has never done any illegal acts against the sharty.
3. as his close friend, i know that he is not a middle aged man, but he is a young teenager who just likes to troll to have fun. he isnt even an adult.
4. yes you do get off to tummies
5. install gentoo


wait hold on i misread the message. IM NOT 30. IVE SENT A VOICE REVEAL.


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>gnuschizo is a good friend of mine
>he has never EVER spammed 'p on the sharty.
meds NOW
>but he is a young teenager who just likes to troll to have fun
niggerbabble holy medication. youve never seen him ramble about libreboot
>yes you do get off to tummies
>install gentoo
ev&oe you use mint picrel1
sent it again xister, ive also revealed my voice


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>never EVER spammed 'p on the sharty
why is xer banned then sweetie, he cant even afford new proxys


Shouldn't have messed with him while he was on a schizo tirade dumbass


Surprised it took him this long
Wonder if any 'teens were caught in the collateral


yea what country was range banned?


I was under the impression that the kike was a mutt, but I doubt they'd rangeban an american mobile provider


nigga my mom took my X200 I told you this stop cherry-picking GODDAMN
>niggerbabble holy medication. youve never seen him ramble about libreboot
i have doebeit
LUL GNUSCHIZO AND KLEKI IZ DA SAME PERSON GUYZZ!!!! its not liek they have different typing styles and IPs and shieeet
>sent it again xister, ive also revealed my voice
when i get home, sure
>minecraft screenshot
is this minecraft or minetest???
>why is he banned?
well, why am I banned? gnuschizo was banned the same day and fashion was and that is on 9/20/23 and for no reason with no option to appeal.
he should grow up
Some southern californian one, a big one too


>I told you this stop cherry-picking GODDAMN
stop cherry-picking when i ask for your tummy
>different typing styles and IPs
zoot leak xers IP to prove this
>is this minecraft or minetest???
gnus minetest server
>why am I banned?
least obvious larp
>a big one too
which one? please be as specific as possible


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>Some southern californian one, a big one too
kleki is angeleno


I got Angeleno's mobile data provider range-banned but im not him (we're friends doe)


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hej there, kleki




>we're friends doe
Holy mother of all larps


i talk to him often doebeit
(fun fact: he has a thinkpad)


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im practically banned from the sharty as well. i had to make a new nameGOD in order to keep participating in the sharty DnD sessions. aparently im a cordnigger ev&o thats very hipocritical of frQQt


i WOULD ban evade but froot banned my mobile data providers and my proxies :(

also pisscord is coal, matrix is way better (Elementtroons will claim that matrix is pisscord 2.0 but unlike pisscord matrix is a protocol and is NOT proprietary :D)


use skype nigger, im owned by WINDOWS BVLLS


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You are doe, no getting around that. at least the frootcord probably doesn't groom kids or whatever happened in shitborea that i dont care about


>owned by microshaft
all cords suck


The platform is jewed garbage but 'cord servers are what you make of them, so some are better than others


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>bu5t is a schizo who faildoxed me
>aftershitty is against the sharty
>everything else is shit nobody cares about


the vast majority of pisscord users are insufferable NORPs and if theyre not NORPs theyre troons and perverts


marge whats a NORP


normies and when i refer to normies i mean zoomers who use tiktok and instagram and what not frfr


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My cousins use 'cord so im gonna fact check you on that one, they use it for school and the mr beast giveaways that they will never enter


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>bu5t is a schizo
ev&on he isnt
>t. jew
marioman you better leave xer alone only I am getting xers tummy


autistic tripfag shitnobodycaresabout: THE THREAD


<oh my science why are there tripfags everywhere!!1!


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and yes i can afford a lot of proxies, but all of them are cucked regarding file uploads, also i'm kind of busy with other things now so i took a break from shitposting.


please post your sweet aryan voice my wunderkind


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only i get to hear it BACK OFF


post your tummy and ill leave xer alone


fuck off pedophile, im pissed off now because im on my period and got cucked by proprietary javascript


frfr no cap on that grimace shake ohio grind 😂😂😂😂




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Did kleki actually kill xerself?


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All this over a rangeban? is this real?


The original post was a hanging trannyjak quoting kleki so it might just be a joke but still


What ze fuck is zis namefag drama?


No evidence of said note so far


zo zad, hope new resident namefag is feeling well and has been carted to the nearest asylum


I'm friends with 'leno too because I was a Booru janny for like a month. We talk sometimes


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Instead of using that schizo shit just use CyTube unironically,


Is that a black metal Doctos




Joel do you mind if I remove the "template" tag from a lot of non-template posts on the 'ru?


joel can i have a million dollars


he's too much of a faggot to give you them sorry



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