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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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File: 1701956663419.jpeg (36.8 KB, 452x678, Formal Attire.jpeg)


Discuss proper care for physical appearance, and how to improve oneself for others.


wear ties
Im sick and tired of seeing these two bit shmucks skip on ties


i wanna dress like an arab dagger merchant


i used to put grease in my hair, but I stopped after a while cause I was putting too much on like the brainlet i was


oversized hoodies + jeans
you literally dont need more


File: 1702202009678.png (328.98 KB, 1500x1500, 1698437615942-0.png)

>oversized hoodies + jeans
>you literally dont need more


or, if you round up the collar and wear it high it looks pretty neat

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