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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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i dont get it


its le funny random NAS, you dont have to get it


make a board for xer


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First episode will be release tomorrow


episode of what


OP now that the pilot’s released what r ur thoughts on it?


op here, this shit sucks nigga imma go goon to cuck porn now


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i just watched this and i really liked it


Made by a tranny for trannies. Xhe has a drill fetish btw.


>drill fetish
so now we are just picking random words?


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No, just actually a drilling in the head fetish.


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yeah i'm not watching this shit


I doubt the series would even grow big in the 'arty ???
They're on an anti-NAS rampage lately


their show is trooncore shit, they fucking wish we'd colonize it


niche cartoon end up in niche audience, since that show is way more popular since the same owner also makes murder drones it will have a normie audience.
The humor is too cringe for me, i dont cared about the plot since it barely matters and it feels write by a foid. They need to step up just to get on Murder Drones level quality


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>wiping half the culture will save the sharty or something


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just watched it
it was meh
like 'omni tho


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>You know the drill


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They wiped the Digital circus on the ‘ru so I’m going to repost stuff I have in here


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NoaSkyrider found a NEW thing to obsess over, and surprise surprise, it's TADC
>inb4 who
>inb4 that's not him


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Cooper smith goldwin is a disturbed tranny.




Zoot, I wish to hand over one of my call-for-execution tokens to this Zaryan.


File: 1698497198510.jpg (114.51 KB, 1279x720, 1684579714343.jpg)


You have used -1 call-for-execution token. We have send a SWAT team to his destination.
Please, use the report system to notify us of anything which is brimstone.


Why is this tranny show everywhere I go? Everyone online keeps posting the clip of the dumb jester staring.


Wait does that actually swat someone or are the mods being silly?


It's a jewish psyop that youtube keeps shilling on the recommended section


Of course it does, retard
We dont just send pizzas like the cowards on Sharty


Gyatt damn zaryans got that swat rizz.

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