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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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If you think about it, they're kinda right. With how spread postmodernism has been to modern internet culture (causing degeneracy among the cord, Twitter, Preddit, and 4cuck), and with /qa/ and sharty culture making fun of them, I believe that soyjak.party could lead the next internet age into new sincerity if done properly. (New Sincerity basically means using irony in a sincere way, circling back to having traditional values)
What do you Zaryans think?


>Soyjak.party is going to save society or something
>Froot is going to utilize the soyjak.party potential to save the white race.


4cuck ruined society so why not have the sharty make it good again


The sharty is turning into 4cuck nigga. I don't think we have a chance


4chan is good. 4chan 4ever. it's the best website on the internet. i love 4chan i love 4chan get fucked loser

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