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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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I don't fully understand this thread, especially at post 136325. Has the sharty always been this way?
For me I believe /qa/ and sharty culture is the last good bastion against the stupidity of the modern world, but I don't fully understand these teens who say that it has turned into another "generic altchan" as if it has always been 4cuck 2.0 (not for me at least)
Can anyone explain to me what they really mean and how they wish for the sharty to be better? I care for this culture and don't want it to die, it's probably one of the only few things left that is keeping me sane in this crazy modern world we live in


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I haven't been present for the majority of Sharty's existence so I wouldn't know but there's always doomsayers
I do agree with the assessment that /qa/ should be the main board. That or NAS should be allowed on /soy/


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I would agree that the sharty is one of the few bastions of the net as it used to be. Or was.

I speak from the perspective of late kuz era 'teen. For me the sharty used to be better. Rule weren't that enfourced and you had really fun interactions between boards. It felt like a mini ecosystem. People would make one nas thread (for example zellig) on /soy/ as a colony and other people would try to derail it (as a whole there wasn't a strict IAS rule and /soy/ wasn't isolated from the rest of the site). You also had some log wipe raids, which was nasty, but interesting to either defend a few special threads or to wipe the enemy team's threads.
You didn't had bagillions of useless boards, but a few good ones. /qa/ used to be way better, because it wasn't just a containment board for namefags
People also made good OC on the sharty and the ru.
The ru also used to not be just country wars and poopson spam.

Another thing to keep in mind is the demographic change. After Doll came to power, you saw a lot of invaders, such as ponies, averi, twitterfags ect. This worsent with Froot, who acts like a "quircky and cool" admin.

Overall, a lot of people fill as if the site has changed for the worse, me including. I hope that Froot steps down one day and a better admin replaces him.


Sorry if I ESLed too hard lol


there should be 4-5 boards. /q/, /soy/, /qa/, /bant/ (pol & int) and /raid/. /soy/ should return to IAS and soft NAS/sharty culture rule. The strict IAS rule is bullshit, because it isolates /soy/ from the rest of the site and it also a shitshow as to what is considered IAS and what not.


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I'm pretty sure there are only 2 soot era soyteens on this website, so you have to take it from me who was there for the early kuz era.
It was nuts. Nearly every day there was something crazy happening, good or bad. There was a lot of spirit in the website. (Also 'p which was too prevalent to leave out of mention)
You really had to be there for what happened during the soot/kuz era since the logwarehouse is completely dead for images and Angeleno only has a text archive that nobody knows how to get running.
I think the era was invigorating and interesting, in the most basic sense.

The sharty lost. And I must agree with 136325, I check /soy/ basically twice a day to find good threads to contribute to (in my opinion) and find none half the time. I think it's because everything is just getting stale, which newGODS don't mind since they weren't here for that long. And in that sense I guess as long as you enjoy the same bland and boring shit we've had for nearly 3 years, you'll find froot's /soy/ just fine.

About DOLL, he was such a shit admin, I don't care if he had a job or family, it's just the truth. The Caca worship of him was so unfounded considering the jack shit he would do for the sharty.
Oh, but he did do a lot of great stuff, like getting rid of the 'zellig banner adding a shit ton of low effort dusty banners himself, and gave basically a full ride of control to a prominent discord tranny, leaking everyone's IP in the culmination of the soypocalypse. CRAZY!
Everyday I would be on /soy/ and deal with soylita raids or random threads on /qa/ getting shadow deleted by Red, which was an example of something crazy or interesting happening, but it's not the same when it comes from moderation and not users who are equal with you.

Froot's moderation team is completely laughable. They don't take anything seriously publicly. It feels the same as having names open on /soy/ again and having namefags converse with each other. Completely unprofessional for a site that was targeted with illegal content.
I don't care that /soy/ catalog is filled with soyjaks now. It's artificial and boring. Literally have people asking in /q/ the daily quota of how many of the same soyjaks they can post.

So nu/soy/ is completely neutered by the fact that basically none of the original userbase or even for that matter many of the good non-original posters have left to 4cuck or now lurk forever and wallow in shame that they had it so much better and now it's gone.
>Why don't you do something about this? Post gem threads? Make gemmy content?
I'm way too busy doing real life stuff. Which is why I also have no right to complain. But since you are asking you will receive my answer. Enjoy your time as a newpoopa before you grow old too.


Dang, I have no words for this.
Guess the best thing I'll do is make gems and enjoy the ride before I grow up. I just started college and I've seen so manh communities on the internet rise and fall, and if the sharty does "die" then I might as well retire from social media and imageboards itself, and return to being a normalGOD again.


does anyone know of any other good IB/forums? most nu image boards are either completely dead or a shitty circlejerk. the only sites at is even remotely as good as old sharty/4cuck is kiwifarms but even that is pretty shit. Has the Internet truly failed to a overly moderated, monetised, unoriginal hell hole?


tsmt.I agree with you 100%, tho I was early Kuz era teen.
Doll was shit, idk why anybody likes him.
It's bullshit that the logwarehouse is complitly gone, even if it was laggy IIRC.

Go to allchans, there are a few alive IBs left. Some are like mainstream social media, but some are fine.

I don't really use any other altchan besides the zarty or sharty, since i can find people here who i can relate to the most.

I don't think it's really that bad in here for now.


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GET OF TRVTH, do you believe a renaissance is possible or likely to happen or does it seem to only go downhill from here?


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(i'm not the guy who wrote >>1111)
from the perspective of a guy that never posted on the sharty, never fully commited to this whole soyjak culture thing and learned about its history through screenshots and posts (so take what i say with a grain of salt) i can say that right now the sharty finds itself in some sort of medieval age / post-modern age

from what i understood the current moderation team is made up of unprofessionals who like to play gods and dont really care about the posters in the sharty

the posters in the sharty have devolved and the stuff they post isnt funny anymore (i guess enjoying the same bland and boring shit for almost 3 years really does make you retarded)

clearly if the moderation team doesn't change the sharty could collapse or worse the whole soyjak culture could degenerate and become so unfunny people stop doing this shit and actually go outside and make friends


Are these people mad about the restrictions on porn and pedos or is there more to it?


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As long as your enjoying your time, it's all well spent.
I think logwarehouse died with kolyma.
And about DOLL, I remember when he was polled in SPVA one time he scored single digit percent, but then the next time after many threads were made praising him he scored WAY higher. I think the majority of lurkers or newteens just want validation and to be "right" in their decision.
Renaissance of what? In general I don't think so.
>the whole soyjak culture could degenerate
As soon as soyjaks became incomprehensible we were little better than those who play dollhouse with wojaks except with le TND and such. So everyone wanted to play too and it wasn't as simple as saying no.


>became incomprehensible
What do you mean? Jaks lost their point and attracted people who wanted to be in a secret club?


Incomprehensible soyjaks are great works of art made by even greater soyteens, but they lost their point, yes.
Its in the name "soy"jak. Its to make fun of soyboys. When you put them in scenarios that never happened and make them DEFORMED or COLORED or BABY they just don't make fun of anyone. It's not to say all of it is bad but it did become a secret club thing since there is absolutely no way you are gonna understand what is meant by it. Sometimes it doesn't even mean anything at all.
See >>1111, the image is under so many layers of incomprehensibility and buried context
Basic Layer: A soyjak casting a shadow on a cartoon girl
Complex Layer: Impjak casting a shadow on Mymy
Context Layer: A 'jakked image of an old /co/ artwork used in the 'zellig banner thread

Again, not necessarily bad but it did open the floodgates


More on the non-classical takes like coloring or deforming it made drama and outrages since the closest thing to what they were mocking were soyteens themselves.
Additionally if you make them sluts for BBC or dance on dead nigger babies you say to all extremists lurking the site
>Hey, why don't you come over and take a look at "cobson"! Yeah, he's a slut for BBC but also an aryan warrior if you want him to be. In his original form, he doesn't even have any soy! (You) can use him to your life's content and fight gruesome contained culture wars on a website for making fun of numales!


Better analysis than anything I've seen on the actual Sharty


I do like the fact that some of the jokes have more meaning behind them, while at first glance they look like schizo posts. It's what got me into the site in the first place. It was like anylising a culture and it's history.

What I see with 'jaks is a way to identify other people who might have the same interest as you, not so their comidic value. Don't get me wrong, I do find some OC to be funny and entertaining, but I am more satisfied that I found cool people, that I would have probably never found if I was on mainstream social media.


so what are the implications of doll coming back? Doom and gloom? Will he be emboldened to take action against zellig now that we have our own IB?


nothing will happen. Doll is a marionet of Froot. He didn't do shit and wont do shit


Doll was very neutral or at least appeared to be in and of himself, so whatever is happening now will most likely continue


Doll is liked, not because he was necessarily a good admin, but because he was a nice guy. Contrast this with Froot, who is a massive asshole.

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