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/qa/ - Question & Answer

IAS and sharty culture
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hey guys does anybody know about this keyed 3d guy??
he said we was working on some kind of project with maya dressed as ryan gosling in bladerunner but we dont really know when his video is gonna drop…
if he also releases the models we could port them to sfm and make some playermodels for gmod (if anyone is really capable of that) or some other game


I think he posted here once. He told us that he needs to finish the models, but is busy with real life.


damn really?
goddamn hopefully he manages to resolve his problems these models aint half bad



Yeah, I found the post >>>/zellig/3054
I hope that he does finish them too! We could work on a half life source mod.


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alright thats cool
yeah altrough I dont really think hl1 can support a model with such a high number of polygons
its still an old ass game


I was thinking of source, not goldsource. The model can be ported to gldsource, but it will look bad.


yeah thats more plausible


tripcode test


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its still being worked on, sorry about the wait lol. Ive never animated anything before so this is kind of a slow process for me.

>goddamn hopefully he manages to resolve his problems
appreciate the concern but its nothing more than the work + college combo that's keeping me from working on it.

idk anything about porting blender models into SFM but id be willing to pay someone to do so once the models are done. Also I fucking love half life

anymore questions feel free to ask. (picrel is still wip btw but thats probably obvious)


Love the octopode model lol!
I don't think that the proces of porting blender models to source is hard. I can check it out.
Will you make models for Coco, Mymy and Vera or is it going to be too much work?
Also do you plan to continue animating? Maybe we could work togheter someday.


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>Love the octopode model lol!
thank you

>Will you make models for Coco, Mymy and Vera or is it going to be too much work?

once this is done, im going to give it a shot and hopefully release the models to the public for free

>Also do you plan to continue animating?

yup, I would love to recreate maybe a little bit of the zellig pilot for fun/practice. I also dream of a day where the community can make a reanimated collab happen somehow but thats just wishful thinking.


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Yooooooo we got another fellow Zaryan artist here!!
I know the animation would be gemmy enough, but how would you feel if I could clone the octopus dude's voice and have you use that for the cyberpunk parody? I'd be willing to do it if you want me to


if u do this i will love you forever and be extremely thankful


IIRC the voice actor for the octupus guy is Massa himself. We could make Massa say the TND copypasta.
>a reanimated collab
that doesn't sound like a bad idea. maybe if somebody suggest this on /co/, we could get more people. The sharty rn isn't really that great for zellig OC, since /qa/ right now is just a spammerfest.


i found a 3 minute tutorial on yt on how to port blender models to sfm
the only problem is making bones compatible with the source engine if we wanna make a playermodel


any updates on the animation process??

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