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/q/ - The Zarty

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 No.2881[Last 50 Posts]

Sorry if this is shouldn't be posted here but was the rivernook guy actually a mod here? (really boring question ik)


Leaks shared by kiwicucks said that rivernook used emojis of Mymy and Maya on xis cord


And this is not the only case when zarty jannies turn out to be pedophiles.
OldGODS knows that


Yes it is


Did zoot know?


I think not.


NÖOK? That owner of the zarty video 'chive on youtube?


yes that's him too


dogethewuthbuilder, oblinity, sniffingpot, kolic, kolic2, queenranaya1, ranaya, ranoya2, ranoya, ranoyer, oblinook, nooken, nookenmeister, kosnoko, kuukuu, rivernook, rivernookz, rvernook
>Same username
What a disappointment



you mean zpva? no mention of that guy there


This is most likely diffrent person, he meant old zelligvideoarchive which got 2 or 3 warns from youtube


ok, i've found it. no uploads in 8 months, the channels seems to be dead


He meant "ZelligPartyArchive" not ZPVA


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This screenshot that OP posted is N✡️✡️K himself.
Pathetic attempt at falseflagging.


i wanted him to revive the channel. i’m somewhat relieved that i never reached out to him if all of this is true.


bro what😭


Marge, you worded that like shit


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>rivernigger ip
kys 'bloxpedo falsekike


Is nook still a mod?


It's Zoot's question.




this is my first time posting here. relax.


probably, he last posted 4 months, which might sound like a long time ago, but most mods operate behind the scenes without namefagging: >>>/zellig/30965


(which is how mods should act anyways)


Sorry, I'm not nook little 'caca


Then Zoot or the admin should act and make a public statement about this situation.


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Nöok was indeed a mod. Infact, he was one of the first mods, along with zuz and xoot.
Up until now, we knew him as the /raid/ guy who would do troll stuff. That's about it.

As for the roblux stuff, I and the other mods were as confused as rest of you.
It was a semi normal day for us. Zuzzy said that he was going to retire, because he wanted to move on a long time ago from ongezellig. We were all sad and exchanged our farewells with him. After that Nöok quickly said that he had to leave and poof…he was gone from the server. At first everyone was confused until moments later we found the soyjack thread with all the weird revelations.
I contacted Nöok about the situation. He apologised to me and said that he will take a break from the internet.

In short, I and the mod team deny any association with the roblox prostitution situation and Nöok did not mention any of this to us while he was a mod (obviously he would not have been a mod if that was the case).




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>Zuz left
>Nook's allegations are real


Thank you very much for clarifying that Zoot. I wish I could give nook a hug. this is sad.


>I wish I could give nook a hug.
Marge, you're not supposed to feel pity


Ah, the classic "pedo witchhunters" turned out to be pedos themselves. This happens every. single. time.


I know, im sorry. I have really personal reasons why i like him. I've spoken to more personal people and i don't think he's a bad person or a pedo. it's still sad and he definitely has mental issues.


Nusoilekkers when cherrypicking is on sale


biated award


Dude what the fuck, you could have a thousand fucking colorful reasons for why you feel this way, but Nook is, without a shadow of a doubt an EPI faggot pedo. He regularly talked to BU5T, a KNOWN PEDOPHILE and regularly did EPI sessions with minors. Literal Nookclown, crucify Nook on a metal pole and set it on fire.


It was a bait i guess, nobody respects pedoniggers and he is one of them


Pedobaiting is the lowest form of existence an individual can reach


It's the same if you respect DrDisrespect knowing what he did years ago


Idk. The bu5t thing i forgot about, that part is actually quite bad. I heard he allegedly made the discord thing "almost 18" because he was under 18 at the time (idk). I sort of sympathize with the epi thing because it happened to me with gore and other stuff. I watched the clip thread almost everyday for months and it always made me laugh. Idk. It's a shame.


No amount of shielding will ever change my mind on Nook now. If you associate yourself with bu5t, you deserve to be hanged from a tree, like all pedophiles should be.


I understand. Most will probably resent him or make fun of him for being a roblox gooner. But I'll always wish it didn't end like this iykwim.


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If you're not fucking convinced yet
kill yourself if you say that


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>Days without
>someone being lynched on the Zarty due to pedophilia
It's really sad to see how our community is degrading and rotting day by day.


Ultra marge, what was the crime 11 days ago


It's an ancient gem from february, relax.


Triple confirmation zellig is dead, ZelligPartyArchive is now a stained YouTube channel and there's nothing left of the original mod team except Zoot and we all know how he feels about Zellig. It is actually fucking over, if this had happened a month ago, I don't think Zoot would have extended the site. Are we really going to survive another year like this?


That screenshot isn't real


>ZelligPartyArchive is now a stained YouTube channel
Memoryholing for the win
>Are we really going to survive another year like this?
Just trvst the plan…..


But there is no plqn, nobody knows what has to be done, nobody plans anything


that channel was irrelevant a long time ago. we have ZPVA


What fucking plan bro? Everything's either cancelled, inactive, dead, coal, brimstone or just not interesting enough. Especially now that people can officially tell us the score is zero to one when it comes to actual confirmed fucking pedophiles in our mod team, I don't think I can stay here and feel the same way about the community anymore.


Baited no one award


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Don't panick, we'll definitely survive, brethren…


For me it's enjoying the community, no matter what happens. Unfortunately the soysphere took a big fucking dive starting from a year and a half ago, it was no fault of ours
It's only enjoyable as long as (You) think it is. Yes, Nook just left a big immense stain but as soon as it was found out, it was rejected (until 3 days ago no one knew anything). For the project, refer to the previous point, it's only fun as long as you find it fun


not the same guy, but i think it's just time to move on from lig. I dont see why we cant just make something of our own.
the site's goal has already changed. only some of the userbase havent.


Did you join this site somewhere in early fall? I see that you're oldGOD


If you're asking me how much I've been enjoying things lately, well… It's not much. I think Zuzzy retiring in silence because he's been wanting to move on from Ongezellig for "a long time already" reflects more of us on a deeper level than we care to admit to the rest, because we adhere to this needless spirit of "we must survive", for whatever reason. To me this is a real eye opening moment and if I consider how much I enjoy recent zellig content and the state of the communitiy, I think letting go at this point is becoming a realistic and possible healthy option to consider.


Nobody is stopping you from doing “something of your own”, but it's a fact that most people are here because of lig.


But many of them are nuGODS normies or xitter immigrants or even /int/ immigrants or however the burger price is raised


I lurked very very rarely around December, never posted something until I believe mid spring, but 'zellig was something that I already knew beforehand. In fact I was on the sharty before this and even before that with the 'clave
>4cuck award
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to write le epic kiwifarms admin origin story


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Hi. I know it seems real and it isn't. im in that server and it's just some guy. i understand why you thought it was real though.


kiwifarms immigrant?


No, not kiwifarms, I was referencing how kiwicuck admins always write a 1488 pages long origin story


hello faggot


>Nobody is stopping you from doing “something of your own”
yes, thats why im doing it
>it's a fact that most people are here because of lig.
doesnt mean that we should only focus on a dutch pilot, which wont be continued.


Blud im not nook


I thought you sounded like him. Nevermind.


you're okay


Oh, Zoot, didn't recognise you at first.


judging by the amount of falseflagging itt, shartyshits are having a field day today


Of course I understand your point. You don't know how much I look "outside" of here, and see hordes of immigrants going through the same process of discovering stuff, 95% of which we pioneered. Like us, they're eventually going to hit a wall (some already did, just look at GOY), I feel like I've hit it myself, but I still go on. Because for me 'zellig speaks so profoundly and shines through the endless stream of shit that I have to stand everyday, that I just can't see myself ever abandoning it. I found some extremely gemmy people to talk to, it made me want to draw, it made me want to actually try out new stuff and see how creative I could be. Sure, we have been kneecapped thrice already, but I will make sure to see this through the end, be it the nu-Zigle Zogle and the projects, even if they take entire months to make, I mean, what's the rush?


Then make something new, no one is stopping you


I'm a tourist so maybe it isn't for me to say but, you all seem stuck with what to do with the zarty. Do you wish it was expanded/kept alive or would you prefer it to die out quietly?


Exactly this, I'm tired with non-contributors complaining all the time. Just fucking do something, how hard it can be lol


At this point just archive it and pull the plug man, nothing will ever top the pilot, anyone who tries fails, anyone who wishes to expand past zellig gets blasted by purists or frankly just wastes their time. We are the beating heart of a rotten corpse and it's a matter of time before we too are either overrun with bots, the sharty, cringe lib folk, or worse. It's been good. But at this point I see no sense in holding on much longer.


if you mean falseflagging as in me defending rivernook, i am OP and i was doing that alone. This isn't a falseflag or bait or anything like that. Sorry if it seemed like that.


hello pet nigger


>then give up
Geeeeeeeeg, ok Nook and all, but there's still the fucking projects around, there's still Zogle, the VN is just getting started, you're speaking like this is truly the end. It's the end only when it naturally comes to that


>Xoot gone
>Zuz gone
>Nöok outed as Chris Tyson
>Zoot barely talks to der zartee anymore
Yep.. this is it.. the zelligpocalypse..


Sure, if you really believe these to be worth waiting months if not another year for then feel free to stick around for that. But fully deny that we both know there's just not much else going on for us anymore.


Again, what's the rush? If you expected shit to come out one day after the other, you should take a look at, I don't fucking know, Fallout. It takes months if not years for projects to be completed and that series is in an atrocious state (instead of being cancelled, it's slop, which is arguably a fate worse than discontinuation). I'll gladly wait until I die of old age


>minor spelling mistake thus ESL
Don't deny*, stupid phone


Wow that's beyond sad. It sort of looks like the final days or so. The only way thing i can think of to breathing more life is gearing a board or two to off-topic discussion like how swedishwin.com does. i'm not sure though, im not to say. Not to mention it'd be removing the zellig-ness and might be sort of forced.


you are talking to a tourist from the shitty, i bet there are better uses of your time than responding to the most obvious bait possible


Again, you do what you want to do man, I'm not telling you not to wait to die of old age, but if I may speak for myself here, this ship's sinking and stinking, if u catch my drift


Zoot's initial idea of pivoting the Zarty to be about general OC creation seems to be the correct path to follow.
I was initially opposed to it, as well as many others, however now in retrospect I see it as the only thing that can give Zarty a future.
It's just that I'm not that creative.


that is not me.


Falling for bait is Aryan, nufag
The point still stands though, there's really no rush


Almost no one here is. And that's why the solution is really just another problem if you ask me. What does Zoot enlist, for every non creative person just has to come here for updates on OC projects and that's it?


expect* but you get what I mean


>Almost no one here is.
Ehy talk for yourself


I'll talk based on what I see here, if you want to delude yourself into thinking the majority of people here are extremely talented and creative individuals, you do that. I think the proof's in the pudding.


Again, talk for yourself


Ran out of arguments to cope award


>It's da cope
No, because I know what people are capable of doing here. Whatever this is now, doesn't cancel years of stuff done the previous years


>years of stuff done the previous years
Repetition award



man, nobody cares, don't ruin the discussion with your random commentaries on every snca.


Sure, but we are talking about the future here, not the past. I feel most of these people are inactive, have left or otherwise aren't going to contribute to Zoot's vision anymore precisely because the past is the past and we are now in the present and the developments and trends I'm seeing are not looking so good.


I know there are capable people here who can make good art and projects, at least it has been so in the past. It is just the question whether they are willing to stay here and not move things offsite (like what was attempted with the zellig vn).


I think that real life activities also contributed a lot (the average age here is around 16-18 sometimes younger, and school is a thing you can't really distract yourself from at the start of the year), so I could see why a lot of posters suddenly disappeared. Essentially it's expected at this time of the year, I would be weirded out if it happened during the summer or spring


i very much agree with this post, ZWABAG


I guess from this discussion we can conclude that the future of the site is in the hands of these capable people. And if they're not here, and they're not coming back, then our days after definitely numbered.


>our days after definitely numbered.
I remember this very phrasing from another post and everything is anyways, but I'll always be at peace knowing that we made the most out of it


Surely you don't mean including the auto-correct typo?


I just copypasted it without looking at it


this community is full of creative people wdym
also its not like /oc/ is the only board or that it will be in the future


i wonder if Zoot would grant us authorization to dox Nöok like he did with Hawkguy. unlike Hawkguy, Nöok’s actually interacted with real children sexually.
this would be the perfect time for Xoot to do a surprise return.


Shartynigs already did that


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>this would be the perfect time for Xoot to do a surprise return.
It's impossible, I mean, nobody knows this, but all of the admins were Zvvt's twinks. Xe created them to avoid responsibility for child molestation, and every time we dox pedos like Nöok we actually dox innocent people who didn't do anything, pretending they are connected to these twink accounts as if they were managed by real persons and not by Zvvt.
>inbefore schizo award


obsessed with roblox gooners award


Zooooooooooot leak the entire chatlogs of your 'cord


Can confirm, all accounts and namefags here are ran by me. You have been successfully psyoped,


new version of the evidence doc because the old one got griefed or deleted or something


Shartyshit fake allegations and bullshit the thread.
Go back to your containment site cobson worshipers retards


Looks pretty real to me, even Zoot told xhis version and it doesn't look good


I have second feelings honestly. A lot of the info is really iffy especially the roblox age thing. Sorry but the only thing I think he did wrong was have a conversation to bu5t. The person that doxxed him made fun of rivernook's mother dying in september. I don't really trust them especially with how morally weird they are on their own. Not to mention some of the screenshots are blatantly fake.


bonus points for a self-referential post!


>real because it looks so
>trannies are women because it looks so
Yeah, is a nothingburger, fake news. Innocent until proven guilty means free my boy.


Protecting a 'blox groomer? Are you serious people?


Geg, what a dusty falseflag, kill yourself


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>thinks I'm a shartycuck


I wouldn't put it below them to falseflag this way
>Obligatory opened inspect element award


what about Roblox is appealing to adults? playing Minecraft as an adult is understandable, but Roblox makes it very apparent that its target demographic is children under 13.


shut the fuck up


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>clitty leaked for getting told to grow up award



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