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/chive/ - Archive

archive for gemmy threads
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Hello loyal and trusted Zaryans.
Today we have decided that within the next 72 hours, if you have a good enough post history and you write an email to zartyappeals@gmail.com, you might be the lucky winner of a janitor position (you do it for free). Follow the provided footsteps and you will become an official janitor.
Now, why? We have been a bit short on jannies when it comes to amerimutt hours, some time ago malicious links had been up for 4 entire hours due to lack of mutt jannies.
So, step up and be counted, show the world that you're a man.
God bless!

Applications are now closed, thanks a lot to all who applied!
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I think that I’ve seen child p’ links at around 9am EST


last 2 'p links were around 12 AM- 1:30 AM for me.. (i live in muttland)


one of my threads had 'p links replied on it for 8 hours after I reported it



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This board will act as an archive, until I have enough braincells to set up Hayden.

If a thread was important or if zaryans want to archive a thread, we will move it here.

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I am gonna make a few comic strips to better understand my own characters so I can make better narratives
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thank you for sharing, I liked it even if it was a bit faggy.
did you shit out those characters just for that comic strip or are they in your other works?


I genuinely think that this is the best post on the 'Zarty.


Was about to say the exact same thing when I saw it again


They are from others works
I was gonna make comics for all 4 of them but I lost motivation
And worked on other comics
That are just them interacting to actually show their dynamics


Get the fuck out, Mexican!

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 No.1653[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Thanks for all the zems, I wish you the best, Zaryan.


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You've done a lot for us. I hope you'll come back somewhere else someday… however… See you later and thank you, Filipino Queen…


>an actual teenage girl posting on the zarty
Nice bait


>>1766 Shes not philipino


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>>an actual teenage girl posting on the zarty
>Nice bait

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 No.1020[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Slowly becoming more zellig pilled and a bit more NAS (using cord n x more often and getting into dumb dramas n sheit and reputation getting tarnished a bit due to some allegations). I have less free time to draw on my laptop and I might end up in a college or university in a couple months. I might have not have drawn anything in over 2 weeks until now but I'll have you all know I'm still in the process making gems n sheit mane.

Ill be doing requests and ill probably get it done when I get it done someday in an unknown time in my own pace and ill post them in this thread and on xitter (you know which one).
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he's an attention whore by his very nature, no one forces him to do that
>he didn't want this drama at all and probably never want it
he has been given multiple chances to end it, but he chooses to tease us instead


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>>>/q/2521 to decide the judgement of this thread


>he's an attention whore by his very nature, no one forces him to do that
That's sharty's nature looks like too, bait and switch works very well and maybe all this is for his xitter
>he has been given multiple chances to end it, but he chooses to tease us instead
Then give up and never communicate with failbaiter


Yes i did wake up and I do regret along with regretting coming here. Leaving the zarty is redeeming myself

not me
do zaryans even use the sharty holy nas
In some level I will always be a gem I made enough gems and somewhat decent in drawing
>he has been given multiple chances to end it, but he chooses to tease us instead
You people brought the drama on to me for something I did 6 months ago that I forgot about. I literally attempted to redeem myself by making more zems



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 No.1510[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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I started fixing our Mymy after taking a break from pixel planet. I'll continue tomorrow, so feel free to help out a little.


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I used one of my alt throwaway emails to make an account.


It doesn't look that bad. I will try to help.


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 No.658[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Does anyone have the full collection of grim mymy's art? We need it for a project, thanks!
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And it was spoilered


Robin Barten and Maya kissing, I guess the jannies deleted it which is aryan as hell.
Fuck yurifags


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>What are you talking about? That's not Maya's VA, that's my original character, Vaya's MA


holy live yourself aryan… time to play this out on my next ongezellig ERP session..


i cant fucking take this anymore

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Hey everyone!
In honor of the 1 month anniversary we are doing an Ask Us Anything.
Ask Zoot, Zuz, Nöok or Xoot anything, and they will answer.
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if it's too vile upload it in a separate thread


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This thread has died a bit, so I'm moving it to /arch/. Thanks everyone for the questions!

God bless.

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 No.253[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Zelliged and 'rangepilled idea coming from the 'cuck: https://boards.4channel.org/co/thread/140180932#p140199011
(Few have already been taken however)
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>4cuck decides to make a voiceover
>creates a discord
>creates a porn channel


How mindbroken are these /co/omers




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Blud seething that jaks helped make xheir show popular ☠️☠️☠️


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yep i think that the seething started

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 No.84[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

why dont we decorate this entire corner with ongezellig art
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zarty's first sage
oooh im so proud


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we've come a long way, zaryan…
this is 'zarty's first sage negation


Zarty's first raid. Can't wait for the first doxing.

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Zaryans I think it is time we do something gemmy.

I suggest that we try to restore the zellig gem on http://planet.soyjak.in/#d,-352,203,9
and put our banner on it (like rn but better)

When we start to restore it, we shall make a thread on /qa/ to call to arms every zaryan on the sharty. We can do something interesting AND shill our IB to boost our ranks.

Its a double total zaryan win in my eyes.

What do you guys think?
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'litapedo is griefing the sonnenrad. Gentlemen, you know what to do.


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the nigger programming is stopping me from reverting the 'litatroonery


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I think it is time for a holy crusade. we should make a call to arms on /qa/ and /soy/ to help us eradicated this pedo trace image.


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