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/brabant/ - International Politics

or something
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Arthur Morgan is aryan albeit, add /v/ board
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Answer the zaryan's questions and make a livestream over here: >>>/q/2352 since (You) made this thread to confuse us like a joos because zoot asked (You) to do this of zoiets


How did you goyim found out so fast??
Anyways since you know I will shut it down in a moment but first I need to tell you that 6 million of us Jews died in the holocaust at the hands of the nazis.
Also, I killed Zoot, that’s why he hasn’t been active. I took over his site and I’ve used his inheritance money and death insurance to run bitcoin miners and sell information to the CCP to gain as much money to send to Israel. That’s why the post times have been so slow.. muahaha! Eller noget.


>“The White Ruthenians… sometimes called Byelorusses or White Russians, but incorrectly, since no White Ruthenian would ever allow himself to be called by a name which would imply that he was Russian” — Folk lore, vol. 25th. London, 1914.
Do not confuse us with Muscovites onwards.


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We says this and look like this

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Zoophilia is a human right

Bait or mental retardation. Call it.
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Why do you guys fall for the most obvious of baits







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Make Netherlands Great Again
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Zuzcord woke up


Zuz is literally the biggest mossad psyop A.I created by zoot to detect and ban all white people who don’t use dickcord on the zarty


The Benelux should be a single country


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>Zuz's GET
Oh mein Zvz…


>baitcord woke up

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I posted this on the qway but I consider this is where I should've initially posted this ig
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Romanians are actually white if anything. And yeah, jokes about “romanian thieves” appeared because of the gypsies, who have a large diaspora in Romania. Obviously, they made a bad impression of romanians in the Western Europe, because WEs are mostly dumbie leftards that can't distinguish the nationality (=citizenship) from the ethnicity.


Based. Op, are you a skinhead/bonehead?. That outfit looks cool


what the fuck why my flag is from Panama im literally Argentinian.


Cheers belaruzellig brother


Cheers, I used to be a skinhead but now I'm on my evolian aristocrat larp

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So, Dutchman, you, as a nugodcaca, should understand ONE simple thing, going to /brabant/: I AM GOD HERE (reference to picrel, oy vey!). My autism is the only that creates an active here. I'm baiting with cringeposts. I'm baiting with obsessed brimstones. I'm baiting your mom. I'm baiting my mom. I'm baiting you. I'm baiting myself. This place exists only because of me and power of my ADHD. Henceforth you
(because you just will, mmm okay?) call me «His Excellency King of Brabant».


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The belgian or the GOOD Brabant? Just curious


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All Brabants are goed ofzo. Basically because both are inhabitanted by the Dutch


Efteling province

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He knew trump was a zogbot who transhearts Israel so he tried to kill trump to ignite the race war and gas all the kikes




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Thomas Crooks and Maya almost share the same birthday


his bloodline already paid for it



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Is the 'caust a jewish psyop or did it actually happen?

I see lots of claims but then a site like this:


Is it incoherent or nah




i don't know if it happened
but israel would CERTAINLY use the holocaust as propaganda for their cause
and it would CERTAINLY benefit their agenda if they made it up entirely

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Im from curacao soo am i dutch?


Skin Color?


Xe is prob black


Bvilt for BWC


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legaly - Probably yes. Ethnically - No. Not a lot of dutch passport holders are even european here in the mainland. All indian or whatever cucks got their passports through their parents with no dutch niveau testing. Makes me want to join PVV

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Okay, which countries are the "most aryan" as of right now?
Since you all like to go on about Hitler and 'WC or whatever, which is the most pure and hwite ethnostate to live and raise your A10 family in?
Challenge: Don't say Dutch
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Meanwhile Italy lost and is also overrun by arabs


ZhenyaPozvizd is a zigger who's also the author of that picrel you attached to your post


The United States of America


Ukraine. I need to move to Ukraine with Mymy and have 14 Aryan Ukrainian children with her to make Stepan Bandera proud


chudcord woke up

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By the way Mymy supports Italian irredentism
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yo is this the shitlituanian from /polcord/? Please make more posts o algo


^ mindbroken my lithuBVLLS if that matters


The leakiest clitty award


the biggest tummy award


>IP: Sicily, Italy

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