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I know this is slop made by the same people behi de tbe amazing Reddit circus but it thought it was good. What do you fellow Zaryans think?


kill yourself


honestly i found tadc decent, the fandoms fucking terrible doughie


Murder drones is great everyone should give it a watch especially since that new episode came out a few weeks ago


File: 1714151328899.gif (27.28 KB, 146x255, IMG_2153.gif)


least obvious samefag


Doesn't this violate rule 1?


Which part is visible? It just got spoilered




Gay slop


I am maybe marging in some words but theres soo much gay porn on this /co/omer shit it isnt even possible, ive seen like 15 gay shit about it in like a day


Kys namefag


Xhe's right doe


I don't care about the topic I just hate namefagging.


I watched episode 1 because of this shit thread where op can’t spell and I feel the show “contains the essence of soy” and seems to be ias

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