The bros from Brampton
I'm not Canadian myself(thanks God), but I hate that you are the wokest country ever and you build monuments to the worst and most loser and disgraced of nazis(banderites) at the same time. How the fuck is that possible, I wonder? Do canadians like the worst things of every political ideology or something?
Canada is communist
>>6244wait, wasn't you banned for saying bad bad things recently?
>>6243most people I know are Conservatives, our government is awful and even the Conservative party is just toned down Liberals, I hate it
>>6245>>6256Zaryan… your ESL is showing…
>>6256>no bitchthat's a common condition among the zaryankind
>>6266btw what exactly is wrong in my sentence? I don't see where I messed up so it would be kind of you to enlighten me.
>>6274"wasn't you" should be changed to "weren't you" but other than that your English is fine
>>6275Oh, really. Bedankt.
>>6276I'm not a tankie you shitskin, your lazy, unimaginative insults are laughable
>>6279no problem my friend, I commend you for taking the time to learn the language
>>6408>Killing civilian Poles, Ukrainians and JOOS makes you a hero btwWelcome home, chuddy. We missed you a bit.
No mercy for race traitors and their (((masters)))
>>6410this is /brapbant/, we worship losers here o algo
>>6411>No mercy for race traitorsbelacuck saying that, oh the irony
>>6412>we worship losers hereTrvthnuke that freed Warsaw from Germans
>>6412>implying I am a bolshiePoletard as always.
>>6414make one more germ-worshipping post to become a real woman
>>6415Make your black boyfriend's cock sucked and don't bother me with your autism anymore
>>6416>cocofag>can't stop thinking about black cocksyou can't make this shit up
>>6418>you can either worship losers who wanted to genocide you (and failed) or vote for liberals who want to replace youintelligence is the ability to make finer distinctions, inability to make those and seeing only the extremes is a sign of stupidity
>>6419>you can either worship losers who wanted to genocide you Enough. Tell me at least one reason why the white supremacists could want to genocide one of the largest white ethnic group in the world.
>>6420>white supremaciststhis is where you are wrong
>>6424>Because they don't care about white race very much and chased only economic interests? Vsrussisch, did you mean that "Neue Europa" project? If you did, then why do you fear this so much? Genetically coded fear of a strong Europe?
>Because they didn't consider this one of largest white ethnic group(when Poles became one of the largest white ethnic group though)white? And what race they classified slavics as? Do you know what those Huenter's 6 types of the European ("Aryan") race even are? You didn't even want to figure it out, the only force that moves you is resentment to other Europeans. Enjoy your Eurasian Pakhanate, bieły žyd.
>>6423the concept of lebensraum implies the Germans are more worthy of the land they planned to conquer than people actually living there, which in turn establishes an implicit ethnic hierarchy with Germans at the top. so nazis were not white supremacist but were supremacists of their own ethnic group that actually benefited from the implementation of their ideology at the expense of other white ethnic groups they didn't care about. that's how you prove Nazis weren't white supremacists with facts and logic, chud
>inb4 lebensraum didn't exist/was limited to some areas much smaller than the areas ethnic cleansing took place inif you source your knowledge from Hitler: The Last Chungus, you are already a lost cause to me and I have better things to do than educating you, like clicking pixels on pixelplanet
>>6429>B-but the concept of lebensraum…This concept was the term that characterized the german colonisation of the East during the times of the Russian Empire. See the picrel. And the future of Europe, that the nazis planned, was a "Neue Europa". I think, there's no need in explanation what did that conception imply.
>so nazis were not white supremacist but were supremacists of their own ethnic groupBeing white supremacist doesn't make you incapable of being german nationalist and vice verse
>that actually benefited from the implementation of their ideology at the expense of other white ethnic groups they didn't care aboutIt doesn't make sense because we know they conquered the whole Europe and established national governments wherever the boot of a Wehrmacht soldier has stepped. Slovakia, Czechia, Croatia, Netherlands, and other. And on the former soviet territories they wanted to create "Stalinfreie Republiken" (see: Jury Turonak's "Belarus under the German occupation").
>that's how you prove Nazis weren't white supremacists with facts and logic, chudThey were "aryan" supremacists, right? Right. So they were white supremacists because they thought Slavics, Romanics, Celtics and other European nations were "aryan" as well. The Slavics were mainly East-Baltic, Romanics were mainly Alpine and Mediterranean, and so on. In case you believe that only the "Nordics" are White aka Aryan in nazis' racial doctrine, then they should exterminate at least a half of the Germans. But you see, they didn't. As well as they didn't kill anyone for being just slavic or non-germanic at all.
>inb4 lebensraum didn't exist/was limited to some areas much smaller than the areas ethnic cleansing took place inDo you mean Warteland? I see no problem in that, it was inhabited by germans at most, and, whatever, it shouldn't bother me because it's not Belarus and stuff.
>Hitler: The Last ChungusAs if I was EFL to watch it. Or as if I wasn't enough russophobic not to watch the russian dub.
>>6426>>6430You would be a good comic artist.
Reality: реєстр дєлай ширше бля
>>6437Welcome back, Adolfiy Hitlerenko
>>6419I mean, you already worship Germans by moving to Germany in the millions to sweep their streets and clean their toilets
>>6455are these toilets in the room with us right now?
>>6457Wordswordswords nobody will ever read.
>>6457its just a "be canadian" greentext crap
>>6457I'm not reading all that, no matter how much foreigners fawn over it, Canada is an ass country and I hate being Canadian
>>6467I think there's a very beautiful post in the third image, almost made me believe Canadians have an identity
>>6241I can smell you through my screen poojeet, you ain't fooling anyone.
>>6470those hands seem pretty north indian tbh
>>6474ehhh pretty north indian smh
>>6486may I plead extreme autism to the court?
>>6465>>6466>>6467Will you read it now?
I hate fr*nch "people" so much it's unreal.
>>6241MAID. "Medical Assistance In Dying" (euthanasia with a fancy name)
You'd think it's only offered to those who aren't going to live much longer and wouldn't be living much of a life for the short time they have left, but this isn't true. People who suffer from a "grievous and irremediable condition whose death is not reasonably foreseeable", have the option of being ACKed by a doctor. Soon, It'll be as an option to people who have mental health issues that could otherwise be treated. It's even legal for drug addicts. Instead of offering people support they need, the country decides it's better to tell people to kill themselves. They'll even do it for you.
<canada spaceI have heard stories of people who were offered MAID, didn't accept it, and ended up surviving whatever illness they had.
<canada spaceRidiculous.
>>6617I am sorry you live in today's Weimar Germany
>>6617oh yeah I know all about the the MAID bullshit, it's one of the reasons I plan on leaving the country when I can get the shekels and opportunity to
>>6622most obvious bait on the planet award
>>6617With awful demographic trends everywhere how long do we have until everyone starts killing off their eldery
dear zarty add fucking Québec flag tbnk
>>6627you will NEVER be a country, your economy WILL collapse if you separate and we WILL reclaim your territory
>>6628did snopes fact check this?
mutt vpn hahaa regarde ça
>>6631He's going to be Trudeau V2. He will come in and people will worship him for two or three terms until people get sick of him and vote liberal.
>>6637Geert really is the irl counterpart to a Mymy, he dyes his hair blonde, wears colored contacts and has Asian (indo) ancestry, is nationalist and into power/politics.
>>6638"The counterpart"? But wasn't Mymy designed so that she'll remind us of him?
>>6639Mymy was created to be relatable to the nationalist part of Massa's audiance at the time and Mymy is a reflection to part of his self like how Maya is to a different part.
Other than that idk what influences the character had in its creation.
Anyways, I doubt Mymy was inspired by Wilders. It's more of an archetype that fits both.
>>6640>AHEM, Mymy was ACTUALLY created to [wordswordswords]>Whatever, other than that, idk what influences the character had in its creation.Nice mental gymnastics dutchie
>Mymy is a reflection to part of his self like how Maya is to a different part.Bipolar disorder award
>Anyways, I doubt Mymy was inspired by WildersI vaguely remember that Massa admitted it once but I'm not certain of this
>>6638Instead of larping about nationalism to save the Netherlands from muslim migrant. Dutch should just transfer governship of the state to Polish migrants, promoting slavic culture and open racism towards exploding race will save the Dutch from cultural death
>>6648Trve, I'm the only American on /brabant/
>>6648Rome is worse than Delhi btw