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/r9k/ - Trans Rights Board

>inb4 zaryans dont go outside GEG
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This board will be deleted after 3 days. Archive whatever you wish to.
13 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


/calm/ board, no need to delete at all, server space is not an issue, a single agugu thread takes more of it than the entire board

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I want to lick Vera's feet

Ever since I first started watching ongezellig I've wanted to delicately place my tounge around each and every crevice of Vera's beautiful Virgin aged soles. I had a dream the other day about it. I was put in Vera's office when suddenly she got up and slammed her fantastic foot on the table. She slowly took off her black boots, my stare was that of the men opening the ark. Magic and gold soon appeared before my eyes in the form of her aged Dutch grippers. Each toe, wrinkled though it was, was a bright reflection of perfection that men travel the seven seas in search for. A virgin of 5 settled beautifully crafted toes soon was freed of the shackles of her crew sock. My shock and awe was soon sharply interrupted by her angelic voice. "Lik mijn voeten" she commanded. I already knew what she meant. I soon sat my knees upon the ground and grobbled like a pheasant to a queen as my mouth touched her sole. My tounge soon felt the delightful taste of her virgin skin sliding to her toes like a bowling ball being sent to the pins. I soon reached my tounge into every crevice of her toes, simply gorging my mouth with my Dutch queens leg staples. To awake after such experience was to touch heaven and be sent to hell. I cried that day, for my virgin had been taken from me by my sick mind.

I want to lick Vera's feet.


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Copypasta material

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No Nut November is coming. 
What's your plan for not relapsing to gooning next month?


Kill one (1) nigger everytime the thought pops up in my mind


Never gooner for Trump.
Gooners vote for a brown foid.


>no nut november
gooner joke for gooners. why do you think everyone jokes about destroy dick december a month later? best to focus on other shit and not be obsessed with your johnson



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If /r9k/ get's 1000 posts before halloween it will stay, if not it will be permanently deleted and israel will be rangebanned.
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rangeban india x5


rangeban india x6


rangeban india x7


Permanently delete it, Rangeban Israel and India. Everyone happy.


rangeban india x8

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White women are so fucking annoying and gross. They fuck dogs, they cheat on their "loved ones", screaming fucking harlots, they all have BPD and I hope to god more Indian shitskins and whoever rape them to death so that they all finally die out of existence.
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do you think personality traits are assigned to men and women at a random with no connection to the evolutionary challenges they have to solve whatsoever? "what would men do if they were women?" i bet they would do what women do.
>they’ve demonstrated all throughout history that they’re the ones who have proclivity towards murder
you are making a virtue out of necessity, of course when the physical violence was needed to kill men killed more, now that women were given technical means to commit mass genocode without psychological or social consequences the numbers have changed


Based. foids are evil the post.


>of course when the physical violence was needed to kill men killed more
is it still needed today? because men still commit the vast majority of murders


numerically illiterate award


shit, i thought he was saying men of the past killed more than men today, that’s my bad

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4cuck trvke
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Wait, I still don't get it. So extroverts make trannies seethe?


If you say your ideas publicly nothing will happen, maybe a few angry faces and few people will try to respond to you, if chuddy says his ideas publicly his life is over


This is what normalnigs can't understand


>So you're saying the reason for the troon problem is because of women?
Not exactly. The empathy asymmetry, uneven expectations, legal discrimination, "women are wonderful" effect etc. are still true, but it's mostly men who are at fault there. Favouring women is a choice, and that's a choice that men make, no point in blaming women for taking advantage of world that has been organised for them by someone else.


Don't get me wrong, a life of an average man is SNCA for women, they simply don't care that much and every study on how relations between men and women are formed and dissolved shows that men like women more, but expecting that women will do more to solve the troon problem than hating on them is unrealistic. The men who troon out are usually autistic, lonely white men who have been rejected by society and instead of receiving help received hormones because that's what earns Jews money. There is no power in the world that could make women actually care about this demographic.

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/r9k/gods, seems like you won't get enough posts before halloween to save this board. My condolences.
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You're saying as if we haven't already seen his face


marge? what does his face have to do with this?


Just misunderstood you, sorry.


Even the spam board didn't get enough spam…


But Israel and India will be rangebanned, therefore win

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This is now the designated BRAPHOG board
Post any and all BRAPHOG gemmies here





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>My dad and grand dad never had to looksmaxx, why should I follow this retarded guide from internet strangers about looking better?
You are the product of 20th-21st century racemixing+dysgenic breeding. For the better part of humanity's history, each race stayed in their own sector of the world to procreate and make sure their offspring looks as racially ideal as their ethnic group looks. However once ease of travel like trains, cars, planes, etc became available, people from all over the world could meet and fuck one another which as a result leads to dysgenic offsprings (This got particularly bad from around the 70s to 80s, and has only gotten worse since and will continue to get worse).
That's not accounting for things like food becoming more chemically poisoned and estrogen filled or microplastics fucking with sperm production.
So yes, if you want to get on the level of what your relatives look like, you do need to work for it. (but remember, no matter how much you "looksmaxx", if you do decide to procreate your child will look even more butt fucking ugly than you are. You can hide your genetics all you want, but your children's looks will show what you're really made of)
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What happens to the sexual selection when natural selection stop working? Serious question. Will men grow to 5m by year 3000? What exactly is the end point of the looksmaxxing arms race?


>Cuz before that religious identity was more important than ethnic and white people could racemix with asians or even niggers, if they were christians.
Albeit Christianity pushed Europeans to introduce the racial laws like in Spain/America so meh it doesn't seem like a truth
<Inb4 zoooot ban all these religionbaiters


>Coalson posting on 2024


gemson posting in 2024


Ironfather deleting out 2024




SISU and should kill herself


Lé 100% degenerate usskie untermensch.

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I love Coco
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racetraitor above me


normie women copy the beliefs of the person they are dating


normie women fuck your brains if your beliefs are different from her surroundings(my friend is dating a normie woman so you have to believe me)


Normie women immediately try to change your beliefs to theirs. Seriously just shout "nigger", if she doesn't say anything, marry, otherwise GTFO


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>le good is ACK!tually le bad
>le bad is ACK!tually le good
>maya does not need your morality, Coco needs to stop sticking her nose into her creaking at night bed!!!
Geg I wonder whose mindset this is

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fuck all of you fakecels and failed normie faggots
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>Being a sub-4 ugly dysgenic failure of a human spawned by other dysgenic freaks is a vvin and is better than fakecels and normies because I said so.


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>Being a sub-4 ugly dysgenic failure of a human spawned by other dysgenic freaks is a vvin and is better than fakecels and normies because I said so.
damn right nigger


geg you're a subhuman
You would have got them if you actually did something to improve yourself physically and mentally instead of being a whinny little nigger who hates his country but uses its welfare like a good goy
>Cels find strength in the group
"If you can't breed, just have an orgy with your nigger friends!"
Fuck off, race traitor


>whinny little nigger who hates his country but uses its welfare like a good goy
a man who has been rejected by his nation on a fundamental, genetic level has no stake in its future and should not be expected to be loyal to it. how isn't that immediately obvious?


>who hates his country but uses its welfare like a good goy
Holy projection

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Just realized /r9k/ becomes a new /zate/ (slowly but surely). Instead of gooning to anime together with Maya the zelty immigrants are discussing about Coco (again) and doing racewars (again ×2). Imho we must prevent this at any cost.


/r9k/ by truecels for truecels

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its over


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You can get pussy if you
>Stop being a pissbaby
>Get a better personality
>don't stink
>get rich (<<<this one is the most important)
>get plastic surgery
Blackpilltrannies choose to stay as loser virgins and blame everything else but themselves for not getting pussy
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I'm sorry that me telling you on how you can get easy pussy is making your clitty leak because you choose to live like a loser bitch who blames everything on his looks instead of not being a lazy faggot who should just get some box already.
I'm just laying out the solutions on what these niggas clearly want, if it's relationships that they're after (it's not), then they're not gonna get it on the robot board.


I think there is more honor in accepting the defeat in idiotic battle, which is today's relations.


>t. lecturing about being a loser something something basement dweller while posting on an imageboard and being one yourself
>B-bu-t normal people use imag-
No they don't


>just become a better goy
How about no? Half of the advice attacks a strawman, the second part should never be necessary in a healthy society. My father didn't have to "gymmax", be rich or get a plastic surgery. The system is broken and Europeans heading towards extinction. Playing along won't fix that.


Fakecel thread.
Truecels won

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We should build a zellig monastery, in this building speech will not be allowed and we will live off of a small field outside the monastery and extracting water from underground and then purifying it. We will earn a small livable amount of money by cutting off some trees and selling the wood


It will end in Waco siege 2.0

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It appears that one of the mods has gone rogue and is acting on his own accord. I shall investigate further and bring justice to this image board.

If anybody has information about this matter, let me know.
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I've been given privileges by Zoot to get access to the moderation logs. Unfortunately, >>42 is missing and is currently unknown. Right now I can only speculate that it's one of the mods (unsatisfied with their paycheck) of this website. However, this theory has a flaw, since /r9k/ is the coal that could finally kill the zarty, thus removing their only source of income. The risk is just too high.

Perhaps we have a captain coal situation.


Kill yourself discord pedo


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evendoe deathnote is zellig culture


Clueless award


>Clueless award öÖö

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wtf is this


This is a beautiful 100% Dutch girl which non of us deserves. Why?


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>/r9k/ - Trans Rights Board


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>someone actually saved this clip
I thought for sure it was lost mediarino when Red dilated and 'leaked everytime he saw that AI thread

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>this board


OP is shitskin


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>OP is shitskin

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You asked and I delivered
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fail GET


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>>>34 (You)
>fail GET


Seethed again award




>o algo

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my nuts itch or something o algo

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>>this board

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>/r9k/ - Trans Rights Board

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>this board

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